One step closer to shooting my 1858


New member
So I bought my first bp revolver, the Pietta 1858 NMA with a spare cylinder. I haven't shot it yet, but I have snapped some caps on it. It doesn't like the Winchester #11 magnums; they go on too loose . The CCI #10's fit just fine. I'm looking forward to seeing how they stand up to recoil.

I remember when I was getting everything ready to shoot my '51 Navy Colt, buying all the accessories and supplies needed. Making my range bag, filling by powder flask, cutting and making wads, such a fun time!

Then I went to the range, and when the caps startin' a bustin' and the smoke startin' a rollin', I thought to myself: "God, this is so cool!" And from that point on I was hooked!
Monkey my advice tto you is go slow loading, get everything correct and by the 3rd time out you'll shoot like a pro!
BP is actually very easy to shoot providing you follow safety procedures while loading. Handling safety is like any other gun.
I have 2 '58's and they both like 30-35 gr Pyrodex charges to shoot most (They are steel frames, don't load a Brasser likr this!)accurately. These are stout charges but not max by any means for the Steel58.
It's a sturdy gun.
I shoot a .451 ball and use COW filler and felt wads.
Awesome, can't wait to read your range report! There is not a pistol in my collection that I enjoy shooting more than my cap and ball revolvers. Its cheap, you can stay at the range all day and not go broke on ammo. And like Model12Win said, making and getting everything ready for the shoot is very enjoyable also. Heck I even enjoy cleaning the things. Its also funny when you go to the range and print groups just as good as the guy firing the 1911. They are all like :eek: I shoot real FFFg black powder in mine and the '58 LOVES 30grs with a lubed felt wad, then a .454 hand cast soft lead ball. I've never let someone touch them off that didn't have a HUGE smile on their face. ENJOY and let the addiction BEGIN!! :D