One reason why HCI is so unified.


New member
We talk about how unified HCI seems to be and how fragmented pro-gun individuals are.

I would submit to you that we are fragmented because we are (for the most part) independent thinkers. This is all well and good when reacting to an individual problem, however, when facing something that affects us all it appears that we tend to think, "My slant on this concept/idea is correct and everyone else just doesn't get it!"

This is pride, and as the saying goes, "Pride goeth before the fall." I have seen this type of reactionary pride on this board, and have myself been guilt of the same.

We get so busy patting ourselves on the back for being so smart/intelligent/observant that it seem that we forget who our allies are and who those are that oppose what we believe. It's almost become a holy war.

We accuse HCI and their ilk of a "sheeple" mentality, however, these sheep are all moving in the same general direction. Can't we learn something from this?


Balance equals power.

Of course, I may just be whistling in the wind. ;)


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 24, 1999).]
You may be whistling in the wind. But it's a darned good tune.
Here's hoping we all get together and make it a march.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited April 24, 1999).]
You know John, what I see here is that HCI has one agenda. Total disarmament of the American people. We gun owners are more diversified. I prefer rifles and handguns for my shooting pleasures. Joe down the street is only interested in shotguns. He doesn't care at all about my rifles and handguns, just as long as they leave his shotguns alone. HCI and their allies use this to "divide and conquer". And this is how they will win, unless we gun owners get our heads out of our collectives butts and unify. I don't particularly care for shotguns, but I'll fight to keep you from losing yours. Will you fight for my rifles and handguns? This hooray for me, to hell with you stuff has got to stop. I don't think most of the people in these threads feel that way. The hooray comment. But the average man on the street does. I've heard it on the range. I was shooting my son-in-laws pre-ban AR-15. A guy comes up and gives me hell for that "assault rifle". People shouldn't be allowed to have those he said. I explained to him that it belonged to my son-in-law, and he should discuss it with him. (I really wanted to punch his lights out as he was swearing at me and really getting belligerant.) Anyway my son-in-law comes back and the guy starts giving him hell. Carlos says to go back to yourbench or else I'll arrest you for disturbing the peace. He's a cop."Oh that's different. Police need those kinds of guns." EXCUSE ME!
This is the kind of thinking that will allow HCI to lick us in the end. As a wise man once said," If we don't hang together, we will surely hang seperately."

Paul B.

Paul, I agree with the majority of what you have said. I am one that does not make a distiction between classes of guns, they are all included in the 2nd Amendment. Unfortunately, it is the average man that needs to understand this.

Goodness! I'm just an average man, as I am sure you are. There is no caste distinction, just mis-information. I belive that we make a mistake and alienate others when we divide ourselves into such groups with the attitude of superiority. And unfortunately, this is so easy to do!

The diversification within the gun owners culture does seem to be wider. It's my experience that there is quite a bit of diversity in the HCI culture as well. Not all want the complete ban of guns. Many just want further restrictions. However, the overall goal for further "infingement" is still the common thread.

My contention was that as gun owners, we tend to have tunnel vision within our area of immediate concern, exactly as your related experience showed.

I have been accused of being a "conspiracy theorist" by some on the board, when the questions that I posed were simply inquiring as to whether or not someone else had a simular experience as I have had. The animosity and emotional vitriol I experienced through private e-mail messages was quite surprising and rather upsetting. It indicated to me that the emotional blindness we frequently see in the anti's arguments often finds its way into ours as well.

It's a shame, really, that the general tone is one of superiority on both sides. This leads to a chasm that is not bridgeable.

Granted, no quarter should be given concerning our Constitutionally enumerated rights, however, a soft, strong, active belief, a submission to the greater good and an understanding that our collective interest does not hinder the personal interests within this right held sacred by the individual, should bind us together.

Facts backed by intense emotional conviction and knowledge, not veiled or open threats toward anyone contrary to our position should be our standard of behaviour.

If we have hope to gain the high ground we must live and behave at a higher standard than those that oppose us, and not with a "Holier than thou" attitude.

It's a fine line, but I believe that we can walk it, if we are unified.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited April 26, 1999).]
A lot of us here on TFL have recognized this problem of the gun owners. That is why a few of us here have created FOUP. If you have not seen the posts on this before, please go to political and look for the FOUP threads.

We are all getting together, putting aside our personal differences to fight for the common good.


Yes, Bookkie, I was there on the thread when it was formed, and I believe that the attitude that has been described above has been a major contributor to the project's loss of momentum.

I have handed out many of the forms and have recieved promises that the contributions would come from them. Many others said, "Hey! This looks good!" Others have said that this is a scam because USA Today is owned by Time and Time is an anti-gun publication.

I, personally, have not encountered the division that Paul described, however, I do not doubt that it exists.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."