One Reason I Own a Gun


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Calif. Man Detains Naked Intruder
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BREA, Calif. - A man who awoke Sunday to find an armed and naked intruder standing over his bed subdued the suspect until police arrived, authorities said.

Eric Wall, 45, told police that the intruder — identified as 18-year-old Arthur David Macias — was carrying a kitchen knife and said the anti-Christ had sent him to the house to kill Wall.

Wall grabbed Macias and pulled him onto the bed. After a short struggle, Macias was detained by Wall and his 15-year-old son, who armed themselves with baseball bats.

Police said Macias broke into the Wall's home about 35 miles southeast of Los Angeles by removing a screen from an open laundry room window and stole a knife from the kitchen. Police said Macias did not indicate why he chose the residence.

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From the perspective of many members here, Macias is lucky to be alive. Had it been the house of an armed citizen no doubt there would be little need of a trial.

Stealing a kitchen knife is a common tactic by B&E artists. They can leave the knife behind and if caught they appear "unarmed".

This is yet another reason to own a dog too!

Tactics? In this scenario, the only tatic I can think of is "go for broke" -- the last thing I want is to wake up and see a naked whack-job like this looming over me!
I second that, I'd be wary of going to sleep for awhile. It's too bad stuff like that happens, reminds me of a story about some guys a lady I'm friends with told me. Two guys doing drugs and one freaks out thinks the other is satan and knifes him to death in a gas station parking lot. Too many whackos out there.
the last thing I want is to wake up and see a naked whack-job like this looming over me!

This actually happens to my wife every day ... :D

Sounds like it's a situation where a gun wouldn't come in to it. If someone is looming over me, I'm not going to get distracted reaching for my piece. I'm going to grapple with him and get enough distance so that I can go for it safely and THEN he's in a world of excrement.

But it does bring up the question, why were these people allowed to keep baseball bats close at hand in California? Clearly some lax weapons laws. Perhaps they used the "sports show" loophole to purchase them?

They should have been properly locked up SEPARATELY from any baseballs owned by the family.