one of these Mausers is not like the other...


New member
hey guys. I just scored a great "original" Mauser, with matching serial numbers. I was posing it with my first Mauser purchase, a mutt RC (but still a nice piece), and I noticed a size discrepancy!

the "original" Mauser is longer. looks to be about 3/4 of an inch. if I match certain parts (butt to butt, trigger to trigger, etc) it becomes very visable. what do you guys think? the RC is a 1941 Steyr manufacture, and the original matching serial number one is a 1942 Oberndorf manufacture. pics attached.

thanks for any advice/responses.
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Sorry, those huge blurry pictures are not much good.

Where do the rifles actually differ? Butt stock length? Barrel length?

It is not very surprising that two rifles made a year apart by two different factories in what had been two different countries are not perfectly identical, but I don't recall seeing that before.

sorry guys. I am still learning the digital camera thing.... I will delete and repost.

Edit: ok, pictures fixed. sorry!

Edit2: the difference in sizing can be seen at the butt stock, and then at the barrell. the other parts are lined up pretty close. Just wondering if anyone has encountereed that before....wierd.
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Hey, I just noticed my 30 round AR mags are not the same length.

Wait a minute, I reversed them and now the shorter one looks longer, what is this?

I swear when I lived in Haight/Asbury it was strictly for the music, well I think it was don't really remember!