We hearken back to the days when police chiefs endorsed Firearms.... for their ability to kill people at range.
Its Advantages are:
1st. It is loaded with perfect ease and safety, without removing the cylinder (or any part of it), at the fore end, and can be carried when loaded without the slightest danger.
2d. The cylinder never fouls; is made from solid steel, bored; and can not get out of repair, or clog, as cylinders made of many parts will do.
3d. The cartridge is made on an improved plan; the fulminate is concentrated in one place, which insures sure fire ; Is METALLIC, CENTRAL FIRE, AND WATER PROOF.
4th. Its peculiar model makes it the most desirable Pocket Revolver ever made. FOR SALE BY THE TRADE GENERALLY. GEO. A. HICKCOX, 54 Cliff Street, New York. Certificates.
I have used the "Notional Revolver," and believe it to the best and most convenient revolver ever offered to the public. (Signed)JOHN S. FOLK, Inspector of Metropolitan Police, N. Y. I have thoroughly tested the new "National Revolver," and find it an effective weapon, of sure fire and convenient size. At fifty yards, I think I could with this Pistol kill at every shot. I take pleasure in recommending it as a weapon in every way desirable. In company with Capt. Scott, Provost-Marshall, and other officers, I fired this pistol a large number of times, and not one cartridge failed to explode.
(Signed) JOHN CHARLESTON, Chief of Police, Cairo, Ill.
We have one of the "National Revolvers" now in use, and pronounce it one of the most perfect things of the kind we ever saw. It is simple in construction, substantial, sure fire, and shoots with the force and accuracy of a rifle. Any one in want of a good and reliable weapon can not do better than procure a "National Revolver." (Signed) J. S. VINCENT, Editor and Proprietor " New Era."
We, the undersigned, having used and thoroughly tested the National Revolvers, have no hesitancy in saying that, for accuracy, force, and convenience, we think they are far superior to any other Revolver yet produced. M. C. LOOMIS, with J. G. and W. J. Averell. GEO. KING, Chief of Police, Ogdensburg. J. H. FAIRCHILD, Insurance Agent.