One handed shooting


New member
For some strange reason I consistently shoot better one handed than two handed. Anyone have any Ideas why that could be?
Have you practiced more one handed than two handed? I shoot much better with two hands on the gun, but I attribute that more to the fact that I practice two handed 90% of the time (probably not a good thing) than to better stability. It could also be your stance (how your feet are placed on the ground and how your body it turned etc.) I don't know much about stances or if one stance if better for one handed shooting than two handed shooting. But my guess is that if there is, you might be trying to shoot two handed from a one handed stance, thus making you less accurate. Just my guess.
I also shoot better 1 handed . This is because I grew up one handed shooting and 2 handed has never felt comfortable to me. I would rather shoot 1 handed in SD and hit than 2 and miss.
Actually I mostly shoot two-handed and only recently began shooting one-handed to increase my "repertoire" so to speak. I naturally assumed my rounds would be all over the place but I found the opposite. Obviously there must be something I'm doing wrong shooting two-handed. I'm not a bad shot with two hands...I work through the same quirks like everyone else, and it seems much more natural for me, but on average I shoot better one-handed. Its driving me crazy.
I can fire one shot better with one hand but follow up shots and overall speed/accuracy are better with a good two handed weaver stance.

Shooting one handed makes one pay more attention to the basics... sight alignment and trigger control.

I shoot Bullseye at the Sharpshooter level. On a good day, I can plunk bullets one handed into a pretty small area.

I also carry a gun for a living. If I have to defend my self and or others, I will use all the hands at my disposal.

Practise both. Incorporate that sight alignment and trigger control into the fast two handed style of shooting - don't abandon it.
Yeah, I'm with Archie on this one. You ususally concentrate more on the trigger while shooting one handed, your stance is different, and your hand grip placement also.

If you don't already, try shooting one handed using the same stance you use for two handed. Once you are "one track" with your one handed shooting using your two handed stance, incorporate the other "supported" hand.

I would say that stance place a key role too, but when it comes down to it, it is all about the trigger SQUEEZE.

Another question may come up, "Where the hell is the best place to put your support hand?"....that's a whole different discussion!