One gun per month?


New member
Is there a law that anyone knows about limiting our purchase of firearms to one per month? I seem to recall hearing something about this in the past, but I don't know if this proposal ever came to be. I'll be getting a hefty tax return this year and plan on using it towards a couple of new toys. Any help would be appreciated.
Disregard. Just checked the ATF site and figured it out. It appears that there is no Federal law limiting the amount of firearms purchased within a given time frame. :D

How about locally? I'll bet there's some sort of restriction out there in California.
Bulldog -

Virginia has a one handgun a month law. This is in response to some publicity a few years ago which identified Virginia as a "major" source of handguns used in crimes in places such as New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Washington DC.
The way we look at it, you "have" to buy one handgun a month :D in order to be in compliance with the law. Also everyone I know who has filled out the multiple purchase forms with the state has been approved. This allows the purchase of more then one handgun at a time, as well as more then one a month. One person I know of had five handguns delivered during a month.
By the way did I say this law only applies to handguns? Shotguns and rifles are still what the pocket will bear.

Freedom is not Free

No not in California yet. With all the wins the Gun Control people have had they are getting greedy and thus far the "one gun per month" is only an idea to implement

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Personally, I try to get at least one gun a month too. But I didn't quite make it last year. I am off to a good start for 1999, though. :)
South Carolina has had a 'One Handgun per 30 Days' law since 1977 (I believe). A 60 Minutes broadcast identifying SC as the source for 'gunrunners' was the straw that broke the camel's back. Somehow, SC still ends up on this list of 'lax Southern states' that help flood NYC, DC, et al. with illegal handguns.

The State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) keeps close tabs on this. Don't even try to slip one in a few hours early.
There is no federal limitation. However, if you buy more than one handgun from a dealer in a week's period there is a special reporting requirement to BATF I believe.

Bruce Stanton
I thought that the reporting requirment was simply for multiple firearms purcahses. I have always interpreted this to more than one gun per 4473, nt more than one gun in any time period.

Anyone know for sure?
Such laws are soooo stupid. Think about it: They are meant to prevent "straw purchasing". But lo, if I were a strawman, I would just start a network of other strawmen to buy guns. And lo, this is what happens.
I'd go for one gun a month. Only thing is that I can't afford it (champagne taste on a beer budget) and that my safe is already packed.

More seriously, gun rationing is just another attack on our 2nd Amendment rights.
Your dealer has to report multiple handgun sales if you purchase more than one in a seven day period. At least that was the law a year ago when I got out of the gun selling business. I don't think that part of federal law has changed.

99.9% of life is no-shoot situations.
