One for my wife??

Ed Brunner

New member
My wife wants a snub-nosed revolver. She has a K-38 that she likes but she wants something she can carry and is leaning toward a carrying purse for her snubbie. The one she likes is a Rossi Model 68 with a 2 inch barrel.
It fits her hand. Over the years I have bought her a lot of guns that she didn't like and I had to absorb them myself. This one she says she likes.
What about the Rossi. Is it any good or would she be better off with a Colt or S&W?
The only beef...

...I have with small-frame Rossis is their trigger pull out of the box (tends to stack and be heavier and grittier than small-frame *&* or Taurus) and the fact that their durability when subjected to thousands and thousands of rounds is suspect, vis a vis the name brand stuff.

For a gun that will spend most of its life in a nighstand or purse and see only 250-600 rounds per year of shooting (and that's one range trip a month with 20-50 rounds per trip; be realistic in how much she's going to shoot it), a Rossi is just fine. You don't need a bullseye trigger to hit a bad guy 7 to 10 yards away, and the wear over extended time only seems to cause mild endshake and timing issues, nothing that impedes the function of the gun for point-n-squeeze shooting.

If she likes the gun and it fits her hand, it'll do the close-range defense job as well as any other.
Over the years I have bought her a lot of guns that she didn't like and I had to absorb them myself.

Ohh..and that was such a terrible thing. Sure honey..I bought you a HK USP Tactical because it looked like a great purse gun! Don't like it? Oh well..if I must I'll just add it to my collection.:D

Good Shooting
Tamara; Thanks a lot. That is pretty much what I figured. The idea that she will be comfortable with it is the priority. She probably won't shoot more than 100 rounds a year.

Redleg; Yeah, it's tough, but Lord knows I try.
I have an M68. Nice little gun. Don't know about long term durability as I have probably less than 3 or 4 hundred rounds through it. Handled a couple of dozen 158 gr +P SWCLHPs with out visible problems. Great value for a "carry often, shoot little" gun.
Sounds like she hasn't tried enough guns. Maybe you should get a good Kimber?:D

(Just trying to help, like Redlg155).

Seriously, as usual, Tamara got it the first time.;)
She wouldn't like the Kimber and I dont really want it. I have a Colt Commander and she hates it. She says it even LOOKS dangerous. Typical woman logic but as usual she may very well be right.:)
Well, in a sense, I agree with her. I got rid of a decent .380 in trade for a ltwt Commander after a nitwit was not too impressed with the .380 one dark night. I wanted to increase the fear factor in those on the other end.
Today I found a 2'' Mod 10 round butt that has holster wear, but is mechanically like new. I am tempted to get her to try it with Hogue finger groove grips. I think it woukd fit and I expect she would like it more than the Rossi. I'm pretty sure, but who can tell? It is really slick.
Why not take her to the range and let her pick out some guns and rent them to try out. This way she can get a feel and maybe something will suit her fancy. Might try a model 60, 36, 642, or a 649 on for size. It's always better if they can actually shoot the guns as opposed to trying to make a decision on looks alone. Just a thought.