On the first day of Christmas

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New member
This was posted 12mths ago & I can't remember by whom but it's a good idea ! :)
Get a nice looking twig, plant it in a cup.
Put an empty shell of your choice in it.
Then in front of it on a card are the words....
"On the first day of Christmas my true Love sent to me. A Cartridge in a bare tree"
You can have it displayed at your work place thereby making a "small" statement about what you like to do in your off hours !
Nice eh ? :)
I remember that!

I did it - got a few laughs...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
You guys are a bad influence on me.

I just ran out into the back yard, broke off a leafless twig, and stuck it in my coffee cup with a .45 round tied to the top.

I presented this to my wife (as she was getting ready for work) by singing your suggested verse. Took 20 minutes for the two of us to stop laughing.

Her only comment, "The Firing Line, right?"

Set us both off all over again. :D :D

Yep. You guys are a bad influence on me.

(I don't know how to THANK you for that! Heh, heh, heh! ;))
lets get the holiday spirt going!

on the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

two preban mags
and a cartridge in a bare tree
on the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree
Six days at Thunder Ranch,
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree
Seven Semi-Autos
Six days at Thunder Ranch,
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree
Seven Colts Rampant ;)
Six days at Thunder Ranch, (maybe six glocks a racking??)
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree

just a thought dennis ;)

(got MY first day of x-mas yesterday when the UPS man brought a big box of smoked goodies from cabela's courtesy of my uncle.... mmmmmmmm ostrich sausage)

Eight pounds of powder,
Seven Colts Rampant
Six days at Thunder Ranch,
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree
Ten thousand primers,
Nine pair of reloading Dies,
Eight pounds of powder,
Seven Colts Rampant
Six days at Thunder Ranch,
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
Eleven Baer customs,
Ten thousand primers,
Nine pair of reloading Dies,
Eight pounds of powder,
Seven Colts Rampant
Six days at Thunder Ranch,
five Golden Sabres,
four muzzle loaders,
three British Stens,
two preban mags,
and a cartridge in a bare tree

Hey, this IS fun. Do you think I was right to reject "Eleven Kimbers jamming?"


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
twelve antis squirming!
eleven baer customs
ten thousand primers
nine pair reloading dies
eight pounds of powder
seven semi autos
six days at Thunder Ranch
Five golden sabres
four muzzle loaders
three british stens
two pre-ban mags
