?? on shooting my flinter.......


New member
I shoot a couple of Remi 58's in 36 and 44, a Ruger OA, finally got to the range with my 58 long gun, but now have a cunundrum. Last weekend while in the local BassPro, I picked up some fffg GOEX for the frizzen on the flinter. Now I think I read somewhere that it really needs ffffg for best results. Can it be fired with fffg? I loaded the Remi 58's up with some of the GOEX fffg and I like the results on that. GOEX at BassPro is no higher than Pyrodex, so may just start using it more. They always have to go down in the "vault" and get the GOEX though.
It should work ok with FFF. Don't cover the vent hole with it just fill the pan to the bottom edge of it
Flintlocks are very finicky animals - they only like what they like, and the vast majority of the time they only like real black powder of the 'proper' granulation. You're starting out with two strikes: fffg in the pan and synthetic powder in the breech. That's a formula for frequent failure to fire.

It may work, but my experience, and that of many other flintlock shooters, is that it will be inconsistent at best. Be sure to keep your barrel dry and clean, and keep the touch hole clear on every shot. I'm not optimistic about your setup.
I use 3F or 2F in the pan almost all the time (either one depending on what I'm running in the bore) and there is no problem with it provided you have a good lock and proper lock/touch hole geometry. Most ignition problem are caused by overloading the flash pan, you only need a little powder in the bottom of the pan, it doesn't need to be filled - too much powder in the pan will delay ignition. 1F will even work fine in the pan but I break up the granules a little with a fingernail so it lights easier.

Agreed with the others, real BP in all loadings, flint or otherwise, will often perform far better than any of the substitutes.
Thanks guys,

Roaringbull says to always get the real thing if possible. I have shot a lot of Pyrodex in the past, and only recently picked up the GOEX. GOEX is the real thing is it not? Seems to me I have read that here and elsewhere. The go to such great pains storing it separately, just figured real it was the real deal.
Goex black powder and Goex Express black powder are real black powders. Goex Pinnacle is a synthetic, or substitute, black powder.