On party nominations and elections


New member
Looks like, unless the really unexpected/unforeseen comes to pass that the Democratic nominee for president well be either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. Re this, the following comes to mind, the records, statements and positions taken by the above mentioned re guns, gun control and gun rights, if you will BASIC CIVIL RIGHTS. In my view, respecting the above mentioned persons, the picture is a whole lot less than encouraging.

We then come to the "other party", the Republicans, where we have Senator McCain, Governors Romney and Huckabee. Senator McCain has long championed closure of "the gun show loophole", the exact nature of which he has yet to explain, in-so-far as I'm aware. Governor Romney was earlier described by The Boston Globe as "having shot himself in the foot with a gun he doesn't even own". Though he claims to have been a lifelong hunter, he supposedly has never held a hunting license. On the other hand, he has recently stated that were he elected to the presidency, he would veto any gun control legislation that got to his desk. Can we believe the governor? Who knows. As to Governor Huckabee, he appears to play the role of spoiler, though I suppose he should not yet be written off, as a potential nominee. Personally, I doubt that he is viable, but who knows.

What it all boils down to is the following, in my perhaps jaundiced view. Re potential presidential nominees, looks like the picture ranges from dim to dark. Does Ron Paul have the proverbial "chinamans chance", I don't know. Of course, there is always the following. In this country, it's Congress (House and Senate) that enacts legislation, though the president most certainly has some influence in/on and or with regard to the process. In any event, for those who often offer, re their not bothering to vote "my vote doesn't count", they might want to rethink that view, or possibly they should long since have rethought it.
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It appears dark to me also as I see no one in this crop that would or could make an effort to turn our country on proper course. We've been bombarded past few years with threats of Islamic terrorist however we can fight that threat, the greatest fear in my opinion is within our government and wealthy corporations that see America as a golden goose to supply money to the world economy and eliminate the middle class. American voters need to wake up and go vote at the local & national level.
The deck was stacked and stacked again

Regardless of which party you choose the deck was stacked in some backroom many many years ago. No-one makes it into the race as a serious contender without some long time affiliation with one of the parties. That included all the third parties as well. Also ran candidates are allowed on the premise the party doors are open for considering others. In reality when has one of these unknown also ran candidates actually made it into the final four. Which is then cut down to two principal candidates.

With all the money and resources a few of the also ran candidates have they just never get to be in final race. There may be a name or two on the ballot for looks but can they honestly win? To many states have their electoral votes tied up so the independent does not have a chance in the end.

It is like trying to win in a blackjack game with two decks. One deck with all the aces and face cards the other without any aces or face cards. The house decides which deck they wish to chose to take cards from while you get the cards in the other deck. All you really get is the privilege to place your bet so you can feel in control of how fast you loose your money.
Most have been saying, it's a choice between bad & worse, and it looks like worse might win. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone you can vote for rather than just taking default choices!

Anyway, if either convention has a close count and the delegates are released, then the primaries mean nothing. The choice will be made right on the convention floor...or back room.
madmag writes:

Most have been saying, it's a choice between bad & worse, and it looks like worse might win. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone you can vote for rather than just taking default choices!

Anyway, if either convention has a close count and the delegates are released, then the primaries mean nothing. The choice will be made right on the convention floor...or back room.


Re this, mighten is be nice, or maybe just "interesting", given what seems to be existing arrangements between our two parties, to have a third, possibly really different party? Who knows?
On the other hand, he has recently stated that were he elected to the presidency, he would veto any gun control legislation that got to his desk. Can we believe the governor?

Ready my lips I will not raise taxes -Bush Sr
As much as I despise McCain, hit hit the nail on the head when he commented to Romney: " you truly are the candidate of change" . Both McCain and Romney should drop now and make a sitcom like the odd couple.
One's a cold blooded shallow liar the other lives for war and conflict.
Once again, an election with less than a few good choices....
Let's all vote for Ron Paul and send the GOP a message.
Respecting primary results broadcast so far, I watched for a few minutes, Ron Paul does not seem to be garnering more than 4%. That does not appear to look particularly good for the doctor, but who knows?