On-Line Adults Hunter Ed


New member
This is the release i received;
Online firearms safety hunter course with virtual field day now available for adults

(Released July 15, 2013)

Minnesota residents 18 and older can now take the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ firearms (DNR) safety hunter education course online.

The new training option includes a virtual field day that emphasizes responsible gun handling and hunting safety. Students who complete the course are issued a voucher that they can use to complete their certification immediately or attend an instructor led field day.

“This will greatly increase certification accessibility to working adults and military personnel who traditionally have conflicts trying to scheduling a multi-week classroom course,” said Capt. Mike Hammer, DNR Enforcement education program coordinator.

Minnesota and Iowa are the first states to offer this option for adults. The online course takes about nine hours to complete and is interactive with narration, quizzes and final exam. Both the main course and field day include a virtual range where students can shoot various firearms and action types at a variety of targets and distances. There’s even instruction on how to properly sight-in rifles and pattern a shotgun.

“This is a great addition to our computer based adult safety training programs,” Hammer said. “We think it will be a huge success and create even more safe hunters.”

Take online course.
I took the 1st five chapters so far, and there is a feedback form for instructors to use.
Idaho's been doing the online courses for a while now, that's how my sister got her license, not that she ever renews it but it seems like they leave something to be desired. if you are new to a state and new to hunting then you don't have the volunteer instructors to gab with and get tips and tricks from.
It works !!

This has been an evolutionary process, in Iowa and we have had this specific curriculum for better than a year. It has worked and there is a lot of information to go through. One advantage is that the student can go in his own pace. Another, is that it is very comprehensive and detailed. In fact, it goes far beyond what the normal classes have "time" to teach. For that reason alone, I fully support it. ..... ;)

It really limits the amount of personal contact and interaction between students and instructors. I mostly work the M/L station and have printed business cards that I hand out, in case anyone wants to follow-up for additional instructions or questions.

"Anyone" can go on-line, take the course and quizzes at the end of each chapter. Then, in Iowa and Minnesota can get a voucher to attend the scheduled field day. So far, I have participated in two such field days.

Be Safe !!!
Training Sites

Was not aware that there are two sites. Am not familiar with the second one but have completed the first, just to be able to relate to it.www.HunterExam.com. When and if you go in there, you will note that there are a bunch of states listed. So, looks like this contract site is nation wide. .... ;)

The Iowa DNR is now supporting two new versions of the online hunter education that meets the first of two parts of the online hunter education course. You may view the courses at no cost by clicking on the following links. www.HunterExam.com. or www.hunter-ed.com/Iowa/. The student will find that both of the online hunter education courses are managed courses and as such require the student to study the online unit/chapter materials and pass a series of unit/chapter tests.

Be Safe !!!
They don't have to provide a classroom or instructor. You take course and get cert and don't forget to send your money in ! It's all about the money !!!!
Actually, there is also some education to it, as well.
And in California you also need to attend a half day class, and take a written test.
Of 100 questions?
I think.
In most states I am exempt from the hunter education requirement. You may be too.
In case some have not understood, this is an Adult Only version of the on-line training.
It may very well follow the same format as the standard Huntersexam, but you have to verify that you are 18 or older.
the reason for that is this is an elective field day class where one can finish the field day through a virtual field day, or finish through an instructor group certified for all day range day.
i am going to complete this course and see what the virtual training is all about.
BuckRub said;
You take course and get cert and don't forget to send your money in ! It's all about the money !!!!
I hear you loud and clear! The Dot Com gets all the money though. The States do not get any of the registration money's.
The state does charge $7.50 for processing the application and that is what is payed when taking a traditional class.
one of the things we lost when the registration went to on-line i the students do not get a patch anymore :(
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Arizona does this as well, although I do not think they have a special on line class that is adults only I teach the rifle, shotgun and handgun safety portion of the class and run the rifle range on range day/ While I haven't seen too many problems on range day, I find I watch the on line kids a lot closer than students that were in my class. Not sure it's all that necessary but I do prefer working with the kids I've interacted with.
I also wonder? Some of the kids taking the class when it comes time to take the test need help reading the questions. In fact, some kids can hardly read at all yet the ones who took the course on line all seem to have very high grades. Makes me wonder if mommy or daddy didn't lent a hand. If I've misjudges those kids, I certainly apologize but when 25 to 30 percent of a class need help eading and understanding the test, something ain't right.
My wife is also an instructor and she reads the questions, then all the answers and sure as God made little green apples, some will raise their hand because they don't understand the question. The one thing that does make me smile is when it comes to a gunny question, no raised hands, just a quick answer and on to the next question. I guess that's one of the few things in life I actually do right. :eek:
In one aspect, I do not approve of the on line classes. I think AZ and most other states went that route because one, the state gets money from the feds; so much for each student. The problem is, I see more and more instructors just starting out and then dropping out. Many of the old timers are starting to drop out. Our head instructor for all of Southern Arizona is something like 82 or more years old. He's been in the program for so long that he still hunts with muzzle loaders. Seriously he actually prefer to hunt with them. he also builds all his smokepoles and they're beautiful.
I'm just a newbie to the program. I've only been in it for 12 years. I love interacting with the kids, and some of the adults as well.
I don't have any classes this month which is rare but I'll be busy next month for sure. Several range days (no smiley showing a cringe. :( Not much fun when it 100 plus in the shade and there's no shade.) Seems like August is always a busy one in the program. No matter. Even when it's hotter that the hinges on the gates of hades, I still have fun. I just make sure I have plenty of water on hand.
If you haven't taken the course, do so. It's a lot of fun and maybe consider becoming an instructor. it's some of the most unpaid work you'll ever do.
Paul B.
Take a lot and give back, a little !!!

If you haven't taken the course, do so. It's a lot of fun and maybe consider becoming an instructor. it's some of the most unpaid work you'll ever do.
Paul B.
That is a fact and I've been at it for 24Yrs. I never got started for any rewards but instead to give something back. You see, I use to be a Gansta and now trying to keep some of these little degenerates from forming bad habits. I've got two Grandsons left to go and it's very satisfying to sign off on their certificates. Have to admit that there are hot summer days that I don't look forward to teaching but there has never been a teaching day that I have not been satisfied nor wasted. .... ;)

It would be great if some of you young bucks would step up as you have already proven, that you have much to offer. Sadly, there are only two leading instructors in our district that can or are willing to teach M/Ls. ... :(

Be Safe !!!
I left out the link

HERE is the link.
Looks like the site we used to use, HunterexamDotcom is now HuntercourseDotcom
When MN is selected there is a button for 11-17 year old and the new button for 18 and older.
27 States are using the On-Line course but only MN and Iowa have the Adult On-Line separate from the Youth course.
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