On Cartridges and Anti gunners


New member
Along with the evil sniper rifles ploy by the anti-gunners, wait until they figure out that most common hunting rifle calibers (i.e. .30-06', .270, 7mm rem mag, etc) have at least double the velocity and/ or downrange energy as an evil nasty assault rifle cartridge such as the commie 7.62x39, or our own 5.56mm NATO.

It all sucks, write your Congressmen constantly, and stock up on ammo while your at it too, Background checks on ammunition purchases are not far away either. Schmuck Shumer and Sarah "i wont stop till they are all banned" Brady. Have been playing with this idea for years. I mean "guns last forever but ammo dries up quickly If we can control the nasty proliferation of ammo sales we are one step closer to total civilian disarmament. Oh Goody!"

I can just hear em now.
Some one should just shoot'm and put US out of our misery...

Sorry, feeling bitter...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Sounds like you may have read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. If not, I think you'd enjoy it.
Hey Idaho,

I haven't read Unintended Consequences but I have been looking for a copy. Th local BORDERS bookstore just doesn't seem to want to carry that title. Of course you are lucky if you can find a copy of the Declaration of Independence in that store.

But I guarantee you that got Al Gore's "Earth in the Balance"

Get "Unintended Consequences" from amazon.com in 24 hours. Try to schedule delivery for a weekend, because you aren't going to be able to put it down.

May as well order two copies...one to keep and the one you're going to want to give all your friends to read ;)
What exactly is the "evil sniper rifles ploy by the anti-gunners"?

I haven't heard anything about it. Any links which document it?

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
The "Sniper Thing" started with Schumer's discovery of the various 50-caliber rifles. Various media articles doubled the potency and gave them a perfectly-straight trajectory needing no correction for windage and distance.

kAs far as ammo "drying up", I'm shooting .45ACP which is headstamped "EC 43", and I have some .243 I reloaded in 1968 which shoots just fine, thank you...

After my uncle died, I loaded ammo with some of his left-over powder--maybe 20 years old.

If you can store powder and primers in the old proverbial "cool, dry storage", I can tell you that "cool" is anything under 90F. If you want 40 years or more, try for under 85F... :)

Regards, Art

As far as ammo "drying up" I did not mean in the sense that ammo sitting on the shelves for 20 years goes bad. That is far from the case if properly stored ammo will last a good 50 years (maybe more). I shot a paper 12ga shell that my grandfather figured was from around the 1930s.

What I meant by drying up is that once you shoot it it is used (i am not considering reloading. I know brass can be used several times) I just mean that ammo is a "perishable" good once it is shot it is gone. unlike a rifle witch can give you service for 3 or 4 generations if taken care of properly.

Which is precisely why the antis want more control on ammo sales. They hate the fact that right now ammo can be bought (at good prices) through the mail. That piece of legislation banning that is next.
Indicating the paranoia thses anti-gun types have against armed citizens, one of the reasons Schumer and crew used was that "they
could penetrate armored limosines". The
fact that these guns cost $7-8000 plus scope (I saw one ad at $4000 for the scope) AND they weigh in at 28 pounds or so didn't seem to faze them (facts rarerly do). The secondary effect is that once they are banned, pretty soon any rifle with scope is
"a long-range sniper rifle". Notice the sinister connotation. Has anyone ever heard of a "short-range" sniper rifle? The ba$tard$
are great with word imagery.
First, they were troubled by the Mak 90s and the Assault Rifles and such, which could fire "many bullets indescriminately." Now they want to stop the rirearms that fire single shots or slow shots with great deliberation and discrimination.

They're already on record as being against the portable and/or concealable(!) firearms. Now they want to come after these much, much heavier than average long guns.

There doesn't seem to be much that wouldn't fall in-between, does there?

They best not read the story of David; we'll see a ban on leather pouches on rawhide thong, and river stone.
"Penetrate armored limousines," that explains it. All these Limousine Liberals are now afraid these evil militia types that hail from the great unwashed masses of the common man, who don't have the privilege of "higher education" (Did you ever wonder if the dumbing down of our educational system was an attempt to make the minds of our citizens malleable to suggestions from these bureaucrats?) and don't know whats best for themselves will now have the capability to hit them where they live, behind the tinted glass.

Previously, only the little folks had anything to worry about from guns, since Liberal do-gooders had security details and armor plating,, and the liberals were doing all they could to take care of that, but not out of any concern, just to prevent the citizenry from rising up (don't they know that TV has anesthetized them and robbed them of free thought and will?) against their corruption of our system.

Oh, well, time to check with the Swiss Consulate about a passport should Gore or Bradley win (or invest $6000 in a .50BMG rifle).