
New member
Okay I think I found a bug in IE5...well the bus is wacked out. If yoy can read this sorry for the mistakes but the ttext i am typing is the same color as the backgroun um...want to see anexample? please let this go is another one...ok this is messed up, the text in the textbox is white. ok here we go [ anyone else get thjis?

[This message has been edited by Zach (edited June 20, 1999).]
A good doce of McAffee virus scanner showed me a bug killed MS IE5...boy is it volnerable. And man I havent updated that thing for months...
Yep...none of your post text visible in either gif or gif2.

What proggie did you use for the screen cap?

I see you also have Netscape 4.61 and your default fonts are MS Comic Sans

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Netscape right...font wrong. For the print screen then go to your photo editor and make a new image the size ofthe screen and past. My screen is 1152 x ? so I reduced it to 800 x 600. Then post it.
I'm not having a problem...I loathe IE and only use IE2 as a back up.

I was just curious about your screen cap proggie.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Recently, my wife brought home a macro virus called Class.B, but is written as Class.Poppy. A recent one, our virus program didn't pick it up. Fortunately, it's not malign. Updating my virus program did the trick. 40 files were cleaned.
I'm with DC and Shotgun. Netscape works well for me, both for home and office. Our systems here at work (latest version NT, can't remember what right now) are bundled mostly with IE4.0, with a few 5.0's bouncing around, and hardly anybody uses IE in either version. I occaisionally do, but much prefer Netscape. The IS guys here refuse to load any more versions of 5.0, and recommend Netscape, since they even use it themselves.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.