OMG, RimfireCentral was attacked!

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Or, it might as well have been....

Anyone been there lately? The new forum software is terrible; difficult to tell where you're at in threads.

I can no longer log in either; tells me my password is now too short and says it sends me an email to reset it, but the email never comes......

I was on RFC early this morning, no issues with the site in any fashion. My old/prior log in info worked fine.
Yep they changed it to the type of format that a lot of forums are going to. Yep had to change my password cause it was too short. I liked the old forum better, but for some reason all forums are going to that format. Hopefully this one won't!
Apparently, Rimfire Central is now owned by a Canadian company that is anti-gun, but pro-money. From the early research I've done, the forum software is basically spyware. I spent a bit of time reading through the Community Feedback thread devoted to the transition to the new software, and what I came away with was that if you don't like the new software and the new layout ... tough cookies. The admin(s) don't ignore you, they actively attack and belittle you.

Sadly, I have decided that Rimfire Central is now dead to me. I have logged out, and I seriously doubt I will ever log in again. And I'm now off to delete any Rimfire Central cookies.
I could log in without any problems or needing to change my password. The "new" software isn't all that new. We have been using it at THR for about 5 years. However, the way RFC has it configured, it seems to be a little more difficult to navigate.

Aguila Blanca and I were simulposting. His info is discouraging to say the least. I think I'll delete my RFC cookies as well.
I googled "Vertical Scope" (the owners) and "Complaints":

Go on Rimfire Central and find the thread (it''s up to about 28 pages) where the new software is being discussed. Someone in there posted about Vertical Scope having destroyed multiple Honda forums, and somebody else reported (I haven't been able to verify) about the forum software implementing tracking. That's the part that sent me running to delete any RFC cookies. The ugly forum layout is easy enough to deal with -- don't go there. So I won't go there.

It's sad, because RFC was a great forum. I hope something else will pop up to replace it.
We had a similar situation a few years ago, Second Media ( now a part of Vertical Scope) bought a NYS Firearm forum, and then issues began to pop up...some were minor, others were not so minor. I dont need any more spyware in my life so I left the site.
A whole slew of members jumped ship and started their own NYS gun forum and they are all happy over there. I haven't been to the original site in years.
Was able to log in to RFC no problem, apparently my password is ok with their software.

Forum appearance is same layout as rugerforum and defensivecarry - two places I am registered at and drop by occasionally. I don't care for the appearance but it is what it is.

Y'all may know all about this, but in many browsers you can delete all your cookies, browsing history, and all by hitting three keys at once - ctrl+shift+delete.

Getting rid of cookies is a mixed bag - you get rid of all that stuff, but if you are logged in to a forum (such as this one) that depends on cookies, so you will get logged out. It is why I read all day but have to specifically log in if I want to post.

Not sure what is meant by spyware so I'll follow Aguila Blanca's links to read up on it.
Just logged on to RFC, no problems. Not sure about the spyware issues, I do run anti spyware software however. Don't like the format.
Think this is the same outfit, Vertical Scope, that does a couple of other forums such as Ruger Forum, Shooters Forum, and maybe an airgun forum as well. Don't care for way the software and some mods handle the forums, don't spend much time on those sites now. There are better places to hang out, just saying.
Vertical Scope out of Toronto owns a LOT of outdoor oriented websites. I am n several with the new forums and I like it A LOT. Posting pics is super easy, quoting folks for a response is also super easy, but the best feature, IMO, is the Dark Modes where the background is black and the type is white - much easier on the old eyes. Using AdBlockPlus, there are no ads to be bothered with. Easy to track, or "follow" threads you're interested in, speeds is much faster; it is light years ahead of these older formats.
Vertical Scope and Second Media kill everything that they take over. Big promises to owners. All that I know, or have seen talk about it, regret their decisions. was one of the first batch of four forums taken over by Vertical Scope, and tested with the new software.
Everyone hated it. About 40% of members left, because the software was so bad, so ad-laden, so difficult to navigate, and getting administrative help for account problems became almost impossible.

I warned people. I warned forum owners. I warned moderators. I even warned a few sponsors.

Vertical Scope was coming for them.
And then I watched the slow, cancerous spread of that disgusting software, along with the bleeding of active membership on each forum.

I knew the owner of another automotive forum that I used to frequent. He was approached by VS for a "partnership", not a buyout like many of the other forums. He was given all kinds of numbers to convince him that profitability would *increase* with the new software and VS managing the forum. I warned him.

That forum is now dead.
After the partnership resulted in 80% of the sponsors pulling out, and ad revenue being basically nothing (but ruining the forum), he couldn't afford to keep it alive for the 30-40% of active members that stayed.
He sold it to VS, outright, for pennies.
VS shut it down just a few months later, and pointed the domain at their generic "motorsports" directory on their website.

The one site (on my radar) that seems to have bucked the trend is
Somehow, those geezers have muddled through, figured out the software, maintained sponsors, and kept the membership fairly stable.
I’ve been a member in several forums the VS had taken over.

They all lost most of the long time members. Many of us had been on those forums for multiple decades. With VS, is only about the ad revenue. Pop up ads left and right, banner ads on every screen, and no cares for any of the members. It’s only about how many people can be directed to that site.

They took total control of all content on the forum, not allowing members to delete posts or pictures, and using those post and pics in ads to generate more clicks onto their site. They don’t care about issues on the site, either software, or with memebers. Software updates are full of bugs, slow the site down, and are not user friendly. Many of us broke off, and started duplicate sites, privately owned and run.

R.I.P. Rimfire Central.
I tried to become a member a number of times over the course of several years. I never could get the activation email. Finally gave up.
Other than this one and one bike forum, all the forums I used to read were taken over by them. Hopefully after everyone abandons them, someone will start a few new ones...

Aguila Blanca, for me, no problems meant that I was able to log in normally and check my favorite locations, post, and log off.
I don't like how the VS software organizes posts and topics, among other things. My opinion is that VS uses crappy software.
RFC was one of my favorite sites, but probably no longer. Shooters Forum was the same.
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