OMG, Insanity in the US Senate!! Check FoxNews Right Now on TV!!


I cannot believe what I just witnessed on FOX NEWS a few minutes ago. The NYPD Police Commissioner was testifying at a hearing of the US Senate's Homeland Security Committee regarding a dangerous threat to our nation. And just what was that threat?

My goodness, my mouth dropped open as I discovered that he was there in support of stricter Federal Gun Control laws!! He said that a "Terror Gap" existed in America's current gun laws, as the lax nature of the current law makes it too easy for terrorists to get guns!!

As proof of this threat, he explained that the terrorist who failed to set off a bomb in Times Square in New York Saturday, Faisal Shahzad, had a 9mm handgun and ammo in his car that he abandoned at the airport in his failed attempt to flee our country. America's lax gun laws had allowed a terrorist to bring a gun right into New York City, he exclaimed!!

He complained that these gun law loopholes must be closed, in order to keep America safe from Terrorist attack.

So guys, forget about hearing any more about the "gun show loophole". IT IS NOW CALLED THE "TERRORIST LOOPHOLE".

My goodness, this was unbelievable to watch. We now have a new reason to have tighter gun control: to keep people like Faisal Shahzad from being able to bring a gun into New York. What absolute insanity!!

Such hyperbole. It makes me sick. It is all Balloon Juice!!

He's a NYC politician in uniform. What would you expect him to say? How do you think he got his job? Not by bucking the Establishment.
As I read it, the arrested individual was a law-abiding citizen before the alleged incident. Thus, that he be allowed to buy a gun at all was a terror gap as:

1. Anyone buying a gun is a risk for terrorist use.
2. Is it because of his ethnicity, that he posed a terrorist risk.

Obviously, legally purchased guns can be used in criminal and/or terrorist incidents if the purchaser is legal at time of purchase but then goes on to do some bad thing.

Thus, shutting down all purchases would close the 'gap', I suppose - as ethnically profiling purchases is clearly morally or constitutionally unacceptable.

By the way, that use of insanity is technically incorrect - it might be common colloquial usage but not according to psychiatric or legal usage. If he were insane, then he would not be culpable for his statements and I think he his.

Oh, well - don't get in an uproar - it won't go anywhere. But both choirs will sing and go nutty for awhile.
Glenn E Meyer said:
As I read it, the arrested individual was a law-abiding citizen before the alleged incident. Thus, that he be allowed to buy a gun at all was a terror gap as:

1. Anyone buying a gun is a risk for terrorist use.
2. Is it because of his ethnicity, that he posed a terrorist risk.

Yesterday they were saying that he should have been flagged as dangerous. The "gap" being that he wasn't flagged, not that he should have been denied directly on ethnicity.
The same NYPD commissioner stated yesterday the case was broke when a brave member of his force crawled underneath the SUV and found the "hidden VIN number".:rolleyes:

What a clod.....all VIN numbers are clearly visible near the windshield "A" pillar. Only a blind man with a cane could miss it.
No, can't be his ethnicity, we cannot profile, so they must stop ALL gun sales to ANYONE, and send us out dressed in Nerf for our protection from ourselves.
Typical leftist, ignore the BOMB, concetrate on the firearm. Control freaks with an agenda
The same NYPD commissioner stated yesterday the case was broke when a brave member of his force crawled underneath the SUV and found the "hidden VIN number".

What a clod.....all VIN numbers are clearly visible near the windshield "A" pillar. Only a blind man with a cane could miss it.

Yes, but the VIN on the dash was destroyed by Mr Terrorist. They did have to look elsewhere, but you're right that it's hardly a big deal. The VIN is etched/stickered in 8? 10? different places on modern cars? Not the least of which is a big white sticker on the drivers door.
Commissioner kelly of the NYPD is a total IDIOT! He spouts the bloomberg mantra so he can keep his job.

If we start slinging insults, this thread is closed. Stick to the issue.

I think I'd worry more about the car bomb than about a 9mm pistol, myself.

There's absolutely zero doubt that the leadership of NYC would love a complete and total ban on firearm ownership (but they'd settle for a ban on handgun ownership). Of course they're going to obfuscate and even resort to outright lies to get their point across.
They should have check the ammo for this guy's 9mm. If he reloaded the 9mm they might be full of sand and something that LOOKS like smokeless powder.
peetzakilla said:
Yesterday they were saying that he should have been flagged as dangerous. The "gap" being that he wasn't flagged, not that he should have been denied directly on ethnicity.

peet is right on here, but that's not how it's going to be spun. Every sign was there to put this guy on "the list" but it never happened. Funny how when something like this happens there are cries of "we cannot profile or discriminate" but then you have comments like "clinging to guns", "someone upset with the health care bill or something" (thanks Mayor Bloomberg for that one) and all of the comments about the "Tea Partiers" being violent terrorists. Except that Mr. Shahzad is a registered Democrat. Not that that matters, I'm just pointing out it would be reported COMPLETELY differently if he was a white gun owner registered Republican. We would be seeing pictures of his guns, ammo, voting history, etc etc and we would definitely not hear cries of "we cannot say that all gun owners are violent because of the action of a small minority".
Guy builds a bomb and this guy is worried about a handgun. According to the commisioners logic the 2nd amendment is essentially the "terror loophole".

What does he propose we do about this terror gap?

Banning the possession and sale of firearms to those on a terror watchlist is clearly unconstitutional. Last I checked we are still entitled to due process. Putting someone on a secret list controlled by the justice department is not the basis for denying someone a fundamental right.

If they did how would they handle the appeals. You get denied a purchase of a firearm because you are on the secret list. If you file an appeal with the ATF do they tell you the reason is because you are on a secret list?

Prior to this guy building a bomb what is the basis for stripping him of the RKBA?
Pistol ?? The info babe on CNN said a 9mm rifle .Surely CNN nows the facts. Or is it a 9mm carbine ?
Maybe the boring BS is what drove that Senator from FL to watch porno on his computer in the hallowed halls of Congress ! :barf:
They also said "several rounds of ammunition".

That's an odd statement. Usually it's "1000's of rounds" if the guy has a $15 box of 22 shells from WalMart.

What is "several"? One loaded mag?
Bloomberg was spouting off just the other day that they suspected the bomber was somebody opposing Obama's health care proposal - the Tea Party.

Now, it turns out that the guy (as most sane people knew in the first place) is an Islamic extremist. The bomber is also a registered Democrat... That has nothing to with anything, but imagine if he'd been a Republican - the media would be blaming the Tea Party again.
Ummmmm... he wasn't trying to kill 100 people with the friggin' gun... he was using a POS SUV, a cheap ass alarm clock and propane.

There's more of an issue, IMO, with how he got the vehicle (and was NOT the current registered owner) than how he got the 9mm that he was apparently willing to let get blown up.

Terrorists with guns are easily combated by other guns carried by law enforcement and/or trained civilians. The POS pulls a gun and shoots, then he gets shot in return. Gun-related terrorism can be easily combated and their destructive capacity limited by allowing trained citizens to carry. The Fort Hood attack... if one of those soldiers was carrying... alot of death could have been prevented. Better yet, if they took that SOB out beforehand (as they knew he had extremist views) it could have been prevented. But NO... political correctness wins the day and Americans die because of it.

Terrorists with car bombs: different story. Cars and explosives (propane) are easy to get, as are the other necessary components. A car can be left parked for days before the bomb detonates. If the bomb is in a trunk or otherwise very well concealed, and the idiot terrorist doesn't leave tell-tale signs that something is 'up' (aka: keys left in ignition) you'll never know unless a dog sniffs it or it goes off.
As our own government has lost 206 Kg of plutonium, imagine what's out there! Had that SUV had 50 Kgs in it and had it gone off, N.Y. City would be uninhabitable for centuries as well a millions dead.

You do know that just blowing up a couple hundred pounds of plutonium is not going to kill millions of people.... right?

As a matter of fact, plutonium is so hard and heavy that it would be very difficult to do much damage at all unless you could get it in tiny pieces and scatter them.
This guy (the Unibrow Bomber) actually went to a camp in Waziristan, Pakistan, for bomb training, so I think we can safely assume most of the smart people they had are now stains in the sand. I'm pretty sure the average high school chemistry student could have made a better bomb.

The last bomber, the Underwear Bomber, didn't have a large enough charge to rupture the skin of the plane - they tested it and concluded he'd have only killed himself and perhaps the people sitting nearest him. The skin of the plane they tested it in didn't rupture. It was the same deal with the shoe bomber - the charge wasn't large enough to bring down the plane had he succeeded in setting it off.

What I fear (and it's bound to happen sooner or later), is that one of them will walk into a crowded event in New York, LA, San Francisco, or some other "safe" gun-free zone with something like a civilian semi-auto rifle and a bag full of magazines loaded with soft points. Imagine somebody shooting their way into a Lakers game... Then you're going to see a 100+ deaths. With a rifle and a Kevlar vest, he could go on shooting for a long time before somebody killed him - and as we've seen, cops are now training to stay outside such shooting incidents and wait for SWAT. Not that their sidearms would be very useful against a trained rifle shooter anyway.

And the response - the political response will be draconian gun laws.

Somebody is bound to say "You're giving them idea's", but these guys are sitting all over the middle east dreaming up such things. Luckily, they're fixated on bombs, and the average Madrassa doesn't have chemistry in the curriculum, so we've been lucky enough to dodge the bullet, so far.

Sorry - feeling pessimistic today...