Olympic self-defense.


Over a year ago, before I discovered TFL...I bet you guys are regretting it now, I believe I read somewhere on the Internet a story about two Olympic shooters; one, a pistol champion and the other a rifle champion, who volunteered to delay the enemy from catching the people trying to escape a village during the fall of Poland, I believe.
I believe the story said that at least a platoon entered the village and very few soldiers from the platoon got out of the village not wounded or dead.
The Olympic champions fought a terrific delaying tactic against greater odds.

Did anybody else read this story?or hear of it?
I heard of something like that, but I believe that it was Romania, not Poland, and that the two Olympic shooters both had pistols (one .22LR single-shot free pistol, and one .22 Short rapid-fire pistol.)

I'd like to know how that story ended up. Anyone??


"TV what do I see, tell me who to believe, what's the use of autonomy when a button does it all??" - Incubus, Idiot Box
I think the fighting was during the fall of the Ceaucescus [sp?], not WWII.

Jeff Cooper probably had a brief paragraph about the incident in his "Cooper's Corner" column.

More recently, BTW, there was a rapid fire pistol shooter who gunned down several would-be kidnappers somewhere in South America. Doom on you, thugs. :D
I heard a similar story about Bosnia. One rifle olympian had become a sniper. Another was recruited to become a sniper to stop him. I think discovery channel did a story on it.
In Sarijevo (sp?), Bosnia, there was indeed two guys, like brothers, who were on tap to go to the Olympics. When civil war broke out, they couldn't go. One ended up sniping civilians, and the other trained counter-snipers and ended up having to eliminate his friend. Some news program had an excellent interview with the survivor, and the story was made into the movie "Shot Through The Heart". Movie wasn't bad, but the interview was far better (included visits to key sites).

If we shooting sportspersons don't hang together... we will all hang separately !
Never knock another's different shooting interest or discipline...REMEMBER we are all but leaves on the same tree of freedom.