Olympic pistol shooting - a short historical fact.


New member
Seen in the 2000 Olympics insert in today's Washington Post.

"Did you know? Karaly Takacs was part of Hungary's world champion pistol team in 1938 when a grenade exploded in his right hand during army service. Ten years later, he won the first of two gold medals in rapid fire pistol after teaching himself to shoot left-handed."

double sigh. I try to practice shooting weak handed as much as possible, but there never really seems to be enough time. my brother shoots ambi, rather well, in fact, but then he carries .38 +Ps in a .357 Security Six; I have a .45 P220. (I'm not really comparing, just noting.)

there's a book on reloading I saw in a Barnes & Noble once; the author's picture seemed like an awful joke at first: in it, you can see that both his hands were replaced by hooks. apparently, during some kind of ill-advised youthful experiment, he blew both of them off, but went on to be proficient enough a reloader (and shooter? don't remember) to write a reference book.

[This message has been edited by traitorjack (edited September 13, 2000).]