

Staff Emeritus
Oligarchy - 1) government by the few; 2) a government in which a
small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes.
(from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)

From the San Antonio Express-News; 12/12/99, pg 2AA (excerpts):

Bradley turning to Republicans for funding

by Jodi Enda and Josh Goldstein; Knight Ridder

Washington - San Francisco philanthropist Richard Goldman expects to
raise at least $50,000 for a presidential contender this year, much of it
from fellow Republicans.

His candidate?

Democrat Bill Bradley.

Jerry Colangelo, the chairman and chief executive officer of basketball’s
Phoenix Suns and baseball’s Arizona Diamondbacks, co-chairs Republican
presidential contender Sen. John McCain’s finance committee. He also
helped raise $125,000 for Bradley. ...

In today’s high-pressure world of campaign money, cash doesn’t
necessarily follow ideology. Friends help friends’ candidates, affluent
donors can afford to help two or even three candidates and some
campaigns cross party lines in search of funds. ...

The number of cross-party givers also is a testament to the network of
friends and acquaintances, many of them Republicans, Bradley has built
through the years....

A review of Federal Election Commission records shows case upon case of
contributors who gave to Bradley and Gore, to Bradley and Arizona
lawmaker McCain, to Bradley and GOP front-runner Gov. George W.

It might seem odd that a fairly liberal candidate such as Bradley, who
supports abortion rights, gun control and a large expansion of medical
coverage, would attract so many Republicans.

But his GOP supporters rarely mention his views on issues. Instead, they
play up more subjective qualities that his campaign emphasizes as well:
character, integrity, leadership skills.

“I think people believe in him. He’s got that kind of appeal,” said
Stanislaw “Stas” Maliszewski, managing director of Gateway Asset
Management, a pension marketing firm in Chicago....

Asked how much money he’s raised from fellow Republicans, Maliszewski
responded, “Tons. Most of the guys I know are Republican. I don’t give
them a chance to say no.”...

Bradley fund-raiser George Zoffinger is crossing party lines to tap the
sources of Bush’s $60 million-plus campaign fund....

Zoffinger and others say it’s gotten easier to raise money for Bradley....


Again, the Democrats and Republicans prove they are two wings of a single political party. They have mutual goals that will
“reform” our country to the Socialist pattern they desire to keep themselves (and each other) in control.

The Republicans and Democrats are MUCH closer to each other than either
is to the American people. It is silly to expect any real conflict between
them as they cooperatively increase their unconstitutional control over us.

“We the People” - a dying concept.
Unfortunately, the huddled masses will continue to support the popular "candidate du jour" because it's the easy thing to do.

This is what got us Klinton the past eight years......see what his charming personality has brought us??

It would take a little thought to support the likes of Keyes.

Get off the couch Bubba, and vote your conscience.
a fairly liberal candidate such as Bradley

"Fairly" liberal?! The man makes Überkommandant Klinton look like a paragon of political moderation!

Grrr, snarl, rant...

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
The Oligarchy The Ruling Political Class
The Media Wing Campaign Costs

We are locked out of the process, Gentlemen.
Are best option is banding together for a series of counter suites against those passing unconstitutional laws and those suing the gun industry.

Consider PERSONAL lawsuits against individual polititions based on their voting record. Slam a few of the slimes in their wallet and watch fear take hold of the others. This would be indepindant of Media indorsment, wich we would never, ever have on anything. Sue them. Sue them like they sue others. Legal firepower gentlemen.
No letter wrighting campaigns. No Republican Revolution. Sue the traitors. And when you do vote, vote only for libertarians.
I beleive that a group effort to sue the individual polititions, and the groups suing the gun industry coupled with our only voting Libertarian would knock the RPC on it's infected, fat, forehead.
Actually, it's probably been this way for years and its just that we are more acutely aware of it.

Darn, and I thought the topic was going to be about the ancient greeks.
Nothing Greek here ;).

McCain, Bradley vow reform

San Antonio Express-News 12/17/99; p 10A
By Susan Feeney; Dallas Morning News.
Claremont, N.H. - Republican John McCain and Democrat Bill Bradley, the
leading challengers for their respective party presidential nominations,
joined forces Thursday to shine a bipartisan light on finance reform - and
themselves as well.

The unusual cross-party forum, scheduled to be broadcast on ABC’s
Nightline, was staged earlier in the day at the site where, in June 1995,
President Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich shook hands and vowed
to curb the heavy influence of special interest money on Washington. The
blue-ribbon commission they promised never materialized, nor did the
reforms. ...

But there also is a wide gulf between the more liberal, former professional
basketball player and the conservative, one-time Vietnam prisoner of war.
The disagree sharply, for example, on abortion rights, gun control and tax
policy. And it was those differences that gave heft to their joint emphasis on
campaign reform. ...

In the photo of Bradley and McCain shaking hands, they look adoringly at
each other.

McCain is for gun control. Bradley more so.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Argh! Another victim of the deadly doublt tap! :(

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 20, 1999).]