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Old thread bumping?

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New member
I haven't posted much here, but was going to post in an old thread of mine, but got a message saying the thread was old and asking me if I really feel the need to bump it. Is that a bannable offense or just a simple heads up? I know this is an odd question, but I just don't want to do anything to get kicked off this informative site.
No, it's not a bannable offense. But, the practice is frowned upon if the new post is only marginally related to the old topic. Resurrecting an old thread can be confusing to those who come along after the added post. Most members opening the thread don't realize how old the thread is and start answering questions that were asked literally years ago, and which were also answered years ago while the new poster's question or comment might go unnoticed.

Often it is best to start a new thread, and perhaps reference the old thread, if necessary, with a link.

In your case, since you said it was one of your old threads, it might be more appropriate to go ahead and post to the old thread instead of starting a new one if you have new info for that specific topic.
Thanks for the quick reply. The thread in question pretty much was answered for me, but I saw new posts that I haven't read and I was going to answer a specific post, but then got the message about thread bumping. None the less my question was answered in that thread so I guess there's no need to turn it into another discussion. Thanks Mal H.


IIRC we've had a couple of old threads resurrected by spammers. That's a double butt kicking right there -- spamming, and bring up an old thread to spam... :)
(But he didn't fall for the old trick, Mike. ;) )

Right, bringing back an old thread to add some new spam is a hearse of a different color! The ban time can be measured in milliseconds for those.

Alright, yes, yes, I know - any time period can be measured in milliseconds, but it sounds stricter when stated that way! :)
I thought, as I bump an old tread now and then...
If the notice prompted the grave digger to post a disclaimer above his reply that he is opening a necro thread, it would help out folks who read it...
I'm fairly new here. Is there a problem with re-visiting issues discussed in older threads? Being new I find some of the older subjects very interesting. Should I start a new thread and discuss the same issues? Thanks

Glenn Dee. :)
No need to restate the guidelines I posted in post #2 above, Glenn. They haven't changed much since yesterday. ;)
The only problem I see is a matter of dead threads vs. a million repeated topic threads. It's like the thread I was reading on the Sig Mosquito: Granted I could have just started another that was worded similar, or one of the many posts that brought the thread up to date over time. It's possible to add valuable points or salient questions to a topic, but that seems to be the rub; a lot of +1 posts and revival of threads that... there was a point, but I lost it. :(
tyme said:

Doesn't tyme know this thread is old? :)

I've posted to an old thread once or twice and I think the old-thread warning message is a good idea... makes one think. Now if we could have a dumb post warning, that would be something! Little pop-up window when you click sumbit that says "grym! yur'n idiot - you really want to confirm this again?"
Good thing I bookmarked this.

Bump for a good idea guys. Let's all try to keep this in mind when looking at threads that are a few months old. -Goodspeed
I personally see a difference between a 40 day old post on page two of the forum, and a 3 year old post you had to use the search function to find. But that's just me. :)
OK, this thread has lived a full and useful life.

Goodspeed has fulfilled his stated mission of bumping this thread, so I'm going to close it.

And ban him for good measure. :p
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