old stevens safe to shoot?


New member
A friend of mine has recently received his granddad's old single shot stevens shotgun, and while he has many other newer and better suited guns, was interested in whether it is safe to shoot for nostalgia sake- the only markings we found thus far, on a cursory exam, read stevens and a patent date of 1913- anyone know if this weapon is safe for modern shells?
More information please. Which gauge is it? You may not even have the right shells. Note that shotguns made prior to about 1930 were not marked with the chamber length on the barrel. If it's a 12 gauge it's possibily chambered for 2 9/16" shells. I would take it to the gunshop and have them measure the chamber first before deciding to shoot it if not marked on the barrel next to the gauge.
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Can't tell on the net but a good gunsmith who can put it in his hands and eyeball it will be able to give you an informed answer. Personal experience is I shot my old Stevens yesterday with both #6 and slugs and did quite well with it. My guns mileage may differ so my experience has no relevance. You need to get it to a gunsmith.
right, to rephrase a bit, we are trying to figure out if stevens was making modern shotguns that were ok for smokeless powder in 1913- this weapon is a bit newer than that at least, and basically we are trying to see whether it is worth it to even take it to a smith- no point in having it checked if its not made for modern rounds at all......
The patent date is only good for the new innovation. You're on the borderline for smokeless powder as the shotgun could have been made years later. If you haunt a gunshop like I do the 'smith will probably not charge you for info.

DO have it checked out!
of course, I have strongly advised that, and I think he is smart enough to want to keep all his assorted bits...... anyhow none of the local shops are worth a darn for smiths- there is one in the area, who is on a six month back log, and consequently does nothing for free, if you ever catch him ( he lives an hour away, and just makes the rounds to pick up from the local shops...)..... beyond that all the shops here do no work on anything, stock no parts, have no answers.....
You can easily tell if it was made after 1930 because the chamber length will be marked on the barrel. If it is so marked it is probably also good to go for smokeless powder and you can tell which shells you need. If it's not marked, it's anyone's guess and I personally wouldn't trust it until you can get it to a knowledgable gunsmith.
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The patent date is only good for the new innovation. You're on the borderline for smokeless powder as the shotgun could have been made years later.

Ummmm... If the gun has a 1913 patent date on it, how could it have been made years earlier??:confused::p

Does that mean that my Colt 1911 .45 with a 1913 patent date on the slide was made in 1908???

great old guns

my old stevans shoots great mine is 22lr 410 o/u i use that
for grouse on the ground or in flight,on the ground 22 flighted
410. and yes it leagel to shoot a grouse on the ground with 22
in oregon. mine was made in 1937ish it has a 3inch chamber
mine was also my grandpa,s