Old Slick is Slick Alright

Ed Brunner

New member
I justwatched our President list his proposals to make the country safe.
The biggest problem that I have with him is that he is a liar. He predicated all of this on the assertion that it would make no difference to "the sport hunters".
Predictably,he made no mention of the use of guns for self defense.
He said that we should be happy to accept his new program to make things safer for the children.
Get busy.folks!

Better days to be,

Messages have already been sent to the Whitehouse, as well as my Senators (Dodd and Lieberman, like I'll ever get anything useful from them :( ) and Representative (Shays - the Republican who voted AGAINST impeachment - why do I live here?).

I'm also trying to convince friends/family to get off their tushes and write.

And so it begins.....

[This message has been edited by Aahzz (edited April 27, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Aahzz (edited April 27, 1999).]
Hey Aahzz,
I agree Shays is worthless, but be glad you don't have to deal with Sam Gejdenson. I heard a rumor that Ann Coulter was going to run against Chris Shays. She is the strong conservative talk show guest that blasted the whimpy republicans for not kicking The Slickmeister from the Oral office :-). She considers Shays a democrat (so do I).
I hope we all write our Congressmen even if they are antigun. We have to stand up now more than ever. Also, even if you are pissed off at the NRA, not renewing only helps the antis.