Old shooter and new member

Good day or evening to all of you guys and gals. I have been reading this forum for a few days and I have learned a lot. I am new to cowboy shooting but I have been shooting Muzzleloaders for 36 years. There is no way that I would concider shooting anything without the black. If it does not smoke it is not worth shooting.
Welcome Zeb:

I agree that there is really no substitute for true Black Powder but unfortunatly in many areas it's getting hard to come by "kinda why I'm shooting 777 out of my smoke pole."
Thanks to all responders

Thanks for the nice welcome. I do believe I have come to the right Saloon. Lets have a drink or two and wait for the Pinkertons to show up.
welcome Zeb, we all may not shoot the same but we all shoot

This is about the only place on the whole forum that tempers don't get out of whack. We may not all agree on traditional or non traditional and may make it known one way or another but we don't fight about it. Guess bp shooters have more class than smokeless shooters.:D:D:D
This is about the only place on the whole forum that tempers don't get out of whack.... Guess bp shooters have more class than smokeless shooters.

And archers.

What the hell you mean by these comments? Them's fightin' words, 'cause we all know GLOCK guys are the easiest going!:)

Welcome Zeb.:)
Lets just shoot

It don't matter at all what we shoot, just as long as we shoot. Just like riding motorcycles. It doesn't matter what you ride just as long as you ride.
I prefer Harleys, but thats just me.
The main thing is we as a whole can't let the ANTI-GUN FOOLS WIN! Can I hear another AMEN?
Flintlocks for the past years

I am very familiar with Flintlocks, especially smoothbores. After all those years I finally burned myself out and heading in a different direction.
Cowboy shooting looks very good to me. However, here I am way behind the times. Pardin me if I ask a bunch of dumb questions.