"Old-school" Silencers


New member
Howdy fellas,

While I was attending college I had a professor who's a former Ranger and he and I would often 'talk guns'. We got onto the topic of silencers one day and I was saying how Silencerco machined the baffles for the osprey(I went to school for toolmaking/manufacturing engineering so this was a pertinent subject for us).

Anyhow...He said when he was overseas the silencers that they used were pretty much a can filled with a material similar to steel wool. I was wondering if any of you had anymore information on this style of silencer and/or if anyone still uses this method.

Just curious, any help is greatly appreciated.
Do they work? Sure. Are they high-tech? No. Are they as effective at silencing a firearm as baffles and wipers? Probably not. But they do work, and if all you are trying to do is quiet down a sporting rifle, they probably work just fine. Remember, unlike the USA where they think that only criminals and Special Forces operatives need suppressors, in a lot of countries you have to have a suppresor to hunt. I saw a civilian suppressor from Israel that was a cylinder with threaded adapter at one end, and it was filled with flat washers separated by springs, maybe 15 or 20 of them, and it worked really well.
Scorch, what kind of pressure is coming out when the gasses exit the barrel? I've often thought a few washers in a tube welded in place, with holes drilled in each washer (one hole each at the 1, 2, 3 oclock and so on) would be fairly effective. I just don't know what kind of pressure is coming out and was curious if that would just turn into a pipe bomb of sorts.

I know it wouldn't be legal, but it was just a thought :)

It would be legal on a approved ATF Form1.

And the pressure is extremely high, from a centerfire rifle cartridge.

5.56mm is right around 52,000PSI at the breach.
I've often thought a few washers in a tube welded in place, with holes drilled in each washer (one hole each at the 1, 2, 3 oclock and so on) would be fairly effective.

Ever seen the guts of a YHM Mite? It's basically washers welded on at an angle to a top and bottom guide bar that slides into the can. There's no complicated, highly machined baffles as in some other brands, yet it works reasonably well.
My experience is quite limited with items such as suppressors. I've become interested in them lately though and am starting to learn a bit about them. I've been thinking about the AA Ranger 2 for my AR. I found a threading kit for the barrel and grand total for everything would be about $800. But now I am rambling, so thanks for the info ;)

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The Mite is a LOUD rimfire can. It meters at 130dB compared to the AAC element at 115. (on a pistol)

Thats a HUGE!!!!!!!!!! difference. Pay once, cry once. Dont cheap out on somethings whos cost is performance driven. Not to mention your stuck with it for life.