Old RCBS. Model A1. Need a manual.


I was given a box of old reloading gear. Included a RCBS press marked A1. I talked with RCBS about getting a manual. Said no can do... "too old". Anyone know of a possible source?
Well... since you've asked... I have been told by someone that is familiar with this model, that it has been "modified". I would like the manual to compare its original design to the current design.

Thanks Mr. T for the link.
Some of the details may differ, but the manual for the A2 press will be close. --Not that there's much there for you to work with. What's left of the A3 illustrations are slightly better.

The A-series do have some differences, but are pretty much the same basic design. (A, A1, A2, A3.)

You're probably better off just doing image searches on the interwebs.