Old milsurp rifle to refinish/rebuild?


New member
A buddy of mine works at a gun store and can get milsurp rifles CHEAP. Like under $100 bucks cheap. I just wanted to know which one would be a good one to pick up and try my hand at refinishing? Mauser, Enfield? If so, which model? Thanks.

Jarhead out.
Gotta consider your intended mission first. Hunting? North American deer? Big (really big!) game? "Tactical/all-purpose"?

Figure out first what you want it to do, then it'll be easier to choose. If you want absolute dependability, I would think an Enfield or Moisin-Nagant would be a good choice. If you plan on hunting with the piece, a Mauser is hard to beat.

My ax is my bud-dy!
To shoot/ hunt medium sized game in NA?
1- M96 Swedish Mauser
2- Lee Enfield No 4 Mk II (if you can get your hands on one) or a No 4 Mk I
3- Just about any other Mauser, IMHO
Have fun! :)
I don't recommend the British rifles because it is difficult to put a scope where it should go. The Swedish (and other pre-98 Mausers) are OK if you plan to keep them in the original caliber. For any reasonable modifications and caliber changes, the 98 Mauser actions are stronger and have more in the way of accessories availble for them.
