Old guy needs advice...


This is a realy hard post for me to write but I need some direction on this... -L- I just turned 57 last week, funny how time flies, I'm 5' 7" 158 lbs and in reasonably good health.

I never much worried about taking care of myself before. I wrestled in high school and college at 121-127 lbs., did a short stint in P.A.L., kept in good shape at the gym and had the sense not to get into any bad situations or start fights or get in over my head. Having said that, I never backed down from anyone either.

But face it, we all get old. While at one time I could bench double my weight and run a 1/2 marathon three or four times a year, I'm now good for a two-mile walk to work and I can maybe bench my weight. So?

I read these posts as a newbe and they are great, but I live in California where carrying a gun is an extremely difficult proposition. At this point, if some big doofus wanted to kick my butt, it would probably get kicked... -L-

This wouldn't be so bad if I had your basic office job, but the work I do in politics means I often walk pretty dangerous neighborhoods in Stockton, Oakland, etc. registering voters or helping constituents, especially seniors and veterans.

Are there any other members here who can relate to not being very big, getting up in years and having work that could get them in difficult situations -- i.e. crackhead city? And have you figured out a strategy or self-defense method? I'm open to any and all suggestions. I could go back to the gym and maybe join a dojo, but man I'm stiff in the joints, so I'll never be what I was 20 years ago.

Any advice appreciated... :- )
A sturdy "walking stick" ? You could train in police baton techniques. I have one that was made from an oak 2x2, draw knifed down to a reasonable diameter with a crutch tip on the end. Carried it when I went to a large sporting event out of state, nobody gave it a second glance.
http://www.canemasters.com/ Sells both specialized canes, and training videos in their use. Also has contacts for seminars.

http://www.dogbrothers.com/ Not for the faint of heart. They offer seminars in the use of the fighting stick that is very highly rated, and doesn't involve full-contact stick training.

http://www.modernarnis.com/ Very good. Check for a seminar or affiliated dojo in your area.

http://www.ltspecpro.com/sticks.html Good selection of sticks.

Check your area for Filipino Martial Arts schools, or Korean hap ki do schools with the cane curriculum.

Get yourself a cane or walking stick, a legal knife (folding or otherwise) and/or some decent pepper spray.

bjewell.....................don't downplay getting back to a gym or training in martial arts. I have a few students over 50 (one is over 70) who did not take up martial arts training till later in life. All have told me that their training and the excercise have helped to turn back their aging clocks.
No, it did not make them football players again, but it greatly improved their understanding of just what range of skills they posessed and just what level of physical ability they had attained. They are more aware than they were, (thanks to all the little mind games I play on my students.)
Since you are in fair shape you should see results very quickly as to your endurance, stamina, strength and skills, AND awareness. A good self-defense class will help to make you a better observer to your surroundings and assist you in ascertaining when a threat is present.
In other words, walk softly, carry a big stick, be in the best shape you can and stay alert.

***The only reason more people aren"t going to hell in a handbasket is because there is a shortage of handbaskets***
I'm not that old (yet), but I have a shillelagh-like walking stick with a hard yellow plastic tip. The tip's worn down. If anyone has a clue where I could get a replacement, I'd really appreciate it.

- pdmoderator
is OC or CN legal to carry? This can be a great help, especially if you recognize a threat while you are still out of their reach.

A cell phone and loud whistle could go a long way. Folding knife within legal limits would be great for ultra backup if needed. A money clip with 5-8 one dollar bills as a "here's my money, don't kill me" pitch-and-ditch might come in handy?
Penman, Took the words right out of my mouth. A good soild walking stick would be perfect. Try to find a class or maybe a video to learn a few basics. I wouldnt try anything fancy. Just go for the basic striking areas.
Classes in Kali, Escrima, American Hap Ki Do should be available in your area. Training and certification in the ASP, or equivalent, baton should also be available. I would get the ASP training first and then dedicate a couple of days a week to one of the arts mentioned.

If you are in threatening areas because of politacal canvasing you should consider making contacts with neighborhood activists before entering a neighborhood. Try to make sure that they, or someone associated with them, accompanies you. If you have a local from the area with you you may be able to better avoid the worst of the worst areas or gain a temporary "pass" because of association.

Thanks for all the great advice gang. What I'm going to do is get back to the gym. This is a temporary fix, because I'm not gonna get any younger. But at least I'll feel a lot more my old self, and I learned along time ago that it ain't the size of the dog -- blah blah.. -L-.

The stick sounds good, but it would be too obvious IMHO and if it got taken away, I could be in deeper. I'll carry some spray from here on out; I was told by the retired sheriff at my favorite store -- Old Sacramento Armoury -- that I could probably get a carry permit because of my work.

Again, I'm a newbe here, so I'm very grateful for your advice and help.
Hitting the gym a good idea.

The best Advice I can give is Get the Edge

Greg Williams is a master in unarmed self defense. His wife is 108 pounds and can throw me around. (6'5" - 205lbs) Its doesn't take years of training in martial arts. A couple of 1 week classes and you can be very capable of defending yourself in any situation.

Greg can train you in any type situation you want, he will tailor his class so that you can learn what works best for you.

Look into. He's the real deal.
Instead of the gym

Why not try Kendo? Besically the Japanese form of fencing, it will whip you into shape and teach you how to actually use that "walking stick".

Just my two cents.


Your physical ability is certainly a factor in any situation where you have to defend yourself but it's not the only one. Mindset (specifically, the determination not to give up) is a factor that can offset a deficit in another area.

Age may make you more of a target but awareness can help to balance that, too. Bad Guys like to find people who aren't paying attention to their surroundings. If you're alert and looking around, it goes a long way towards making someone less observant a better target for the Bad Guy.

Also, I'm a firm believer that everyone has enough inate ability to defend themselves. The problem here is one of training (get as much as you can from reputable, professional-level trainers) and figuring out what tools work for you. I don't care how overly-muscled the Bad Guy might be, if you dig a thumb in his eye or chin-jab him, he's going to feel it just like everyone else. World War II combatives make a good place to start because they are simple, based on gross-motor skills and are easily retained.

Of course, you should also take advantage of whatever weapons it is legal for you to carry. Your not defenseless when you're unarmed but engaging a Bad Guy while armed is preferable.

check out:



What they said

What Lawdog and the rest said.

I'm 55, 182 lbs.,got a crick in my right hip and I walk gympy legged.

I'm an inspector (building type) and because of my mouth (can't shut it off at the right time), boss's kept sending me in the "bad areas"....Over 8 years by my lonesome.

Being able to talk quickly got me out of many situations, giving up some money did it for others, and sometimes....well, luckily for me i am still around. Some of the times, a 4 cell D Maglite worked on 4 legged critters trying to get you, but basic knowledge of Escrima helped me use the flashlight the right way.

Now I have two heavy duty escrima sticks packed in the car. Gives me the "reach" I needed for distance techniques especially since I live in southern Kali and am not allowed to CCW by our politicians. With the sticks I don't have to kick, saving me from using my gympy legs.
"Its doesn't take years of training in martial arts. A couple of 1 week classes and you can be very capable of defending yourself in any situation."

Sorry, I have a real problem with this one. Maybe it's because I know even as a 4th degree blackbelt with 7 years as an instructor, that i could never get someone to a level that would allow them to perservere in any siuation in only two weeks!

maybe it's because there is no indication of prerequisites.....even if you are 80 years old?.....even if you are 100 pounds overweight with a breathing problem?

I checked out the site....lot's of good clean living for sure....maybe that's the trick.....you learn in just two weeks that if you live in the mountains you will not be likely to have to defend yourself?..........(I know I'll catch flack here but.....*g*)
I live in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, as a matter of fact I also live in Sacramento. I am 51 and own a business in the downtown area and have never encountered a problem. I do however carry a pocket 380 that is really undetectable, and I would use it in a heartbeat. I do not have a CCW permit but my view is, I would rather be alive and face the misdemeanor of carrying a weapon in the event that a life or death situation arose. I believe if you look like a normal honest citizen and not some, 'yo baby, yo baby threatening punk', you won't give the police any reason to shake you down. The outcome for me is; the bad guy is dead and I'm alive.
I'll carry some spray from here on out; I was told by the retired sheriff at my favorite store -- Old Sacramento Armoury -- that I could probably get a carry permit because of my work.

Do you mean to say that you need a permit to carry acan of defense spray and that you need a reason to get that
have to agree with kung on this one

i am currently involved in jujitsu training, and i've been at it for quite a while. now granted, after the first couple of classes, i could defend myself infinitely better than before, but i still have TONS to learn. my sensei is 75, and could reasonably take perhaps 10 thugs without breaking a sweat. and everywhere he goes that is unfamiliar, he carries a walking stick/cane. i watched him teaching a more advanced student than i am in the use of the cane. it's crazy what he could do with it. sensei requires that any student aspiring to the second degree of black belt must master a weapon (yes he is able to teach many different ones:eek: ). but i would hate to meet this man and attack him thinking that he's a soft old man. because this soft old man is a 6th dan in shin gi tai jujitsu and at least 5th in several other forms including the japanese mafia style (the name of which escapes me). but he carries a cane because no one raises an eyebrow even on a plane. sensei also takes time to teach some senior citizens basic defense. i would suggest finding a softer style of perhaps jujitsu, hapkido or aikido. they are great for keeping in shape, and the softer styles require less physical strength. (ask the 5'2", 105 lbs. girl that throws me around 6' 180 lbs.) there's my humble opinion. good luck