Old Dominion students petition to carry weapons

Spats McGee

I wonder if it's a concerted effort,,,

Because the Oklahoma State University newspaper,,,
Ran a similar article this morning.

That article must have been sitting there waiting,,,
It ran beside a report of a shooting just off campus last night.

Apparently a student was shot in the lag at his house,,,
The perp stole his laptop computer and fled onto the campus.

Especially with that shooting at Univ. of Texas recently, I wouldn't be surprised if more petitions start showing up. It seems that the notion of CCW on campuses is becoming rather popular.
TX may take this up again also. The problem is being blocked in the legislature by business interests and (not to be political) by, surprisingly, old Republicans not responsive to the people.

Another issue is whether the bills only affect public colleges or also cover private schools. If not, the privates may still ban and put up a target sign. Of course, if the privates are not allowed to ban - this lights up the ever popular 'private property' folks - and my opinion on them has been expressed before when it comes to the basic right of self-defense if you are business open to the public.
Glenn, could you point me in the direction of your opinion? I used to be pro private property, but now I'm undecided...
private property...

I am VERY private property gung ho!

However, to clarify...

In parking lots, when the business allows me to park my car on their lot, whether I am an employee or a customer, they have allowed MY private property (vehicle) onto THEIR private property. MY private property rights should rule INSIDE my private property.

To extend, as I have read somewhere, often, the subject of personal rights is, at the root, the right of private property, that is, I am MY private property, not to be tampered with. So, a gun on MY private property (my person) should STILL be inviolable on SOMEONE ELSE's private property (business).

I found out through the Arms and the Law website, that there was oral arguments in a case dealing with George Mason University's gun ban that was posted here awhile back ( The Arguments were on Nov. 1.). Someone from a group called gunleaders. com attended the arguments and posted on their blog what happened at the oral arguments here:http://www.gunleaders.com/blog/2010/11/01/digiacinto-vs-the-rector-and-visitors-of-george-mason-university-at-va-supreme-court-today/

It appears the lawsuit is by a non student, but if the court rules against GMU it would probably affect students as well.
Let's hope this passes. It would be a great precedent-setting moment for the Commonwealth. We certainly don't need another Virginia Tech on our hands.