Old Colt Shotgon


New member
Dang! My mom had me cleaning out her house incase she decides to sell it and I came accross my Pops old long guns in a crate in the closet.
Among the old oddball Winchester pump and Savage semi auto .22s there was a beat up looking side by side exposed hammer shot gun. Figured some Italian clunker.
I look at the receiver "Colt Patent Firearms" then in a few off places "1756"
I take it it may be worth something?
Colt made double guns from about 1878 to around 1895.

The Colt Model 1878 was their double with exposed hammers, and was one of the finest double guns ever made in America.

Colt made only 22,690 between 1878 and 1889.
It was available in 28", 30", and 32" barrels, and in 10 or 12 gauge.
The barrels are Damacus-patterned and browned.

Colt's Hartford address in on the barrel rib and the Colt name is on the locks, which are color-case hardened.

Prices run from about $700 in poor, to around $4000 in excellent.

Due to the Damascus barrels, DO NOT SHOOT this old gun, no matter how good it looks.
Yup it's Damascus barelled. You can see "rings" colored all up the barrels.
I'll post a pic as soon as I get a new USB cable for my Digicam. Cat chewed up my old one.