Ol Timey Living

David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
Two unbelievable (in this day & age) things happened to me today. First, on my way to work, about 8 miles from my house I’ve been watching the start of a fairly large construction project. Nothing big yet, just earth moving. I’ve been wondering what it was going to be… another sub-division for the well to do who work in Charlotte NC but don’t want to live in the city (the commute is about 45 minutes)?… another huge “Outlet” Mall like the one on the other side of town? Well today they finally put up a sign. Did it read “Riverview Park” or “Monster Mall from Hell”? NOPE The sign Read “South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Public Rifle Range.” HOT DAMN! Only problem is that it is only going to be a 100-yard range and I can shot out to 300 on my landlords (until we close) land.

Then I get home and my oldest Daughter (14) tells me I have to sign something from school. Oh great I think, what the hell did she do. She hands me a form… is it a form about the minor accident her bus was in on Tuesday or another Field Trip release? NOPE “South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Hunter Education Program”. Seems that this is a required PE class!

Looks to me like SC Dept of Nat Resources has their priorities right!

Now do I fill out the form and grant permission for my daughter to “shoot a firearm for the purpose of safety and marksmanship instruction”? Wait until the Public Range opens and take her there and teach her myself. Or just walk her out back and teach her on the weekends?


Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Gunny, if it was up to me, I'd let her take the class, take her out back and teach her, and take her to the range. You can never have enough instruction.

By not signing the permission form, I would guess that it might give the school officials the impression that some parents are oppossed to letting their children shoot. However, I would try to find out a little about who will be instructing the class before signing.
Dang, Gunny...what's a feller to do??

It's like having to decide if you want a Cracker Barrel country boy breakfast, a plate of spareribs for lunch or a T-bone for supper...or have all three. Decisions, decisions!


"Si vis pacum nineteen-eleb'm"
Gunny, Please do me a favor. Go to a local 7-11 or the like and send me one of those "Homes For Sale" booklets for your area in SC. :) ;)
Sign by all means, for the reason Bulldog stated.

'Sides, who better than a Gunny to critique her public school instruction? :)

I hope you'll not only sign the form, but call the school and find out which firearms and course of fire she will be shooting...THEN take her out to the backyard or the public range and give her some pertinent training so she'll ace the course and be first in the class.

Then of course you will be bound to spend a lot of time being publicly proud of her, and boasting about her at every possible opportunity, and even boasting about her in front of her friends and such.

Yes, Dads have to make such sacrifices at times... Some teenage girls may even claim total humiliation when their fathers brag about them. But that's only temporary, believe me.

Long after you are dust, your daughter will be able to still cherish that memory of the time she aced the shooting test and her Daddy was so very proud.
COOOL!!! I need to move, I tell ya. That's just...excellent news. I have to agree with Bulldog and Shorcut. You should have bought some lottery tickets!
Of COURSE I'm signing the form!!! Along with the following comment...

"As a Certified USMC Range Master, AK CCW Instructor, Former NRA Personal Protection Instructor it is refreshing to see this as a required course of study. If I can be of _any_ assistance please do not hesitate to call on me!"

I'm going to give the school a call today and find out what the call consists of (i.e. type of rifles shot) and work up "Home Work" assignments.

HEY.. HEY.. it is NOT cheating... I'm helping her with her studies! :)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

My public School still had "Cadets" in 1979.

Now of course even the idea of such a thing would be laughed at !

Apllause to the person who thought of this Course!

May your Daughter shoot straight, fast & true !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I grew up and went to school in SC. I’m glad to hear that they are still offering that program to their students. I know that both my brothers and I attended this class with much enthusiasm. It seems that everyone would benefit from such a class, as my brothers and I did. I pray SC never stops this program. If I remember correctly, they taught us about gun safety, and then we went skeet shooting. Forgive me I’m trying to remember the format of the course from about 10 years ago when I took it. I wonder why other states haven’t implicated some type of course like this for the benefit of their students, and society.

Must be the same as my Daughter mentioned shooting clay birds.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Gunny, here is your chance! Night Shoot!
Young, untrained eyes! Aim, close "or dim eyes" fire. I can't remember the exact thread but it was great.
I am very impressed by your school system!
Good Shooting, Hank
Hell fire Gunny. You got it all there. Give her and the rest of your family "the works". Sounds like S.C. schools have it all together.
Kit in AR
Gunny - I've lived in Charlotte most of my 30 years, and I don't recall having taken that course in school. Of course, living in the school district that started the whole "cross-town busing to achieve racial integration to the detriment of all students" thing, that doesn't suprise me a bit. Our more "progressive" elements here would never stand for teaching our rugrats to (gasp) shoot (double gasp) guns! ;)

Enjoy the range and the true quality time instructing your daughter.


Deo Vindice

[This message has been edited by Senator (edited May 08, 1999).]

Sounds like you are on a winning streak! We have Indiana DNR Hunter's Safety courses in schools here in Indiana but it is up to each school district to decide if they will have it. Many do except for in the larger cities where shooting is just not politically corresct. Sheesh!

John - NRA - Lifer

<img src=http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6328/atom.gif>
In my middle school in NY we had both the hunters safety course and archery safety course as optional lunchtime activities.

Egads, Schmit! Somehow, I-of-little-brain entirely missed this [expletive deleted] thread.

The last year of school I attended here was in 1969-70 as a HS freshman. Up to that time, I did not have such a course. I don't ever remember it being offered. Had they had such a program, I'm sure I would have heard, as one of my good buddies was the son of the county's head game warden, who knew of EVERY THING (hunting or not) going on in the county.

I'm glad your kids have this chance. Perhaps it's true, the South WILL rise again (y'damn buffalo-boy.){G}

Shoot straight regards, Richard