Oklahoma House Committee Nixes Open Carry


New member
Last year open carry passed the OK legislature: Governor Henry (D) vetoed it citing opposition from the OK Dep't of Public Safety.

In the runup to last falls election politicians told us that they would pass open carry this year. For the first time ever Republicans control the governors office and both houses of the legislature.

Last week a house committee vetoed open carry by a vote of 9 to 8. Some in the OK house are afraid to put their names on open carry: So they came up with this so called committee. Nowhere in the OK Constitution are legislative committees even mentioned. The OK Constitution requires the bill be read in the OK house for three consecutive days prior to a vote. This was not done.

The bill had passed the Senate and would have allowed anyone 18 or older to openly carry a firearm without a license. The committee struck those provisions with an amendment requiring those who openly carry handguns to have a concealed carry permit that requires criminal background checks.


IMO: Some OK politician/s deliberately slipped a poison pill into the bill. The poison pill is the "18 years old and older".
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