Oklahoma Gets Another Good Gun Law


New member
Gov Fallin signed HB 1652 enabling CCW holders to leave there arms in their locked vehicle on technology centers.

Read it here.

What I'm hearing already on the local radio talk shows is that there may be a challenge to it.

I think it is a real shame that we have to legislate ourselves into protecting our rights. Kinda seems like a backward way to do business.
Well, that justifies my vote,,,

This is a decent law to enact,,,
The Career Tech Superintendents are saying:

“I'm disappointed this is being signed into law,” Berkenbile said. “This does nothing to improve education in our state.”

Well you ignoramus,,,
It's not designed to improve education,,,
It's designed to allow a legal CCW holder to leave his or her gun in their car on career tech property.

