Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot

Happy Trigger said:

:eek: :D :cool:

Dude I just drained (ejaculate wise) into my Corcoran Combat Boots!

...reminds me of my CIS-AG days, only we had Nam vets that would conduct live fire (from time to time) just over our damn heads just to make us dump in our pants, and/or get used to keeping your head down. Crazy bastid's a few stray shots damn near killed some of us too. But it was semi-auto fire. I've been to a few "Tactical Ranges" a few times since those days, and while there's stuff to shoot like the MP-5 SMGs, or an M-60, or even an MG42, some of what was being fired in that video was just awesome. Think I even heard a freggin' Gattling/Mini Gun going off, probably the guy that said:

"Okay I'm going home!" Yeah, he was outta' ammo and it probably cost an arm and a leg to shoot it again. LOL!

*And I'd hate to be the dude that breaks that little girl's heart someday when she's older. She'll destroy his sports car with a heavy rate of fire. :D
I agree with S.T.! That was totally wild! Love the tracers and God Bless that little girl too. Too bad for the white car too. ;)
Well it is Oklahoma. I thought that they would have been able to give someone $20 and a pair of "magic sunglasses" that make you invisable and give you a force field. Like my dad gave my when he had me place that apple on my head. he missed 3 times, but the glasses saved me!!! :cool: ;)