Okay, I have one


Strange going on's here.

I'll bullet statement:

*I'm in the process of getting this guy to get my motorcycle back to me. It's been over 3 months+. He was supposed to fix it.

*I started to make demands along the line of, "Give me back what is mine".

*After that happened, the guy across the street asked me about it (the motorcycle and if I got it back).

*I met with the guy and he said that he had been sick and that it would take another week.

*Tonight, the guy across the street comes over and says that someone had the passenger door open on my car early this morning and he ran them off.

Now, that is basically what is going on/happening. I went outside to check the car with him and didn't see anything that looked like forced entry. No windows were broken because I had to scrap ice this morning. The seals were fine, the lock was fine (used the key to lock/unlock it to ensure no internal damage), etc.. The only way into the car would have been either a key or a remote that worked for the car.

The Firebird which is on the side yard, was untouched (in an area that it would be easier to break into). The Impala is right out by the road, cars coming by can see if anyone is messing with it.

Now, this guy that has my motorcycle, by the name of Bryon Kelso (in case I go missing, you know the name) who owns Goshem sales and consignments, about 3/4 of a mile from my house on the left hand side right before the big private gas depot (putting this here so that it's on a file to use) is not the most trustworthy person (I didn't know that before hand).

I did the right thing while in the house, I turned on the outside light (it floods the car also), I had the FM with me (I'm still trying to get to grips with either having to charge it to get it ready (that's the way it is now) or carry it cocked and locked) and I put it into my back pocket. But while worried about the car and such, I noticed that I took my attention away from him.

Yet, in a way I trust him but right now, with this happening twice (him coming over after dark and not when I first get home) and with him, and the transients around here, knowing Byron, I'm starting to think that I'm being set up.

I'm not paranoid, just too many strange things going on after the phone call to byron about my bike. I don't know if he's hired the transients or the guy across the street for any type of funny business.

Okay, so I was naive(sp) and trusting, but this is starting to get me to wondering what is going on. In Oregon we're not allowed to protect property and it's only a car but if I'm being targetted, I wanted to 1) have it on some sort of file (here) and 2) to be able to give my account of events just in case (here).

All I have at my disposal is the FM 9mm with the original 10rd and 1 13rd (and about 200 rounds of ball, loaded right now with Hydra-Shocks, both mags) and a 12 gauge shotgun. Pistol is just to get to the shotgun, I've already decided that (reminder to myself, get the 12 gauge shells out so you can reload DUH!).

Just too many "things" going on, with byron not answering or calling back or answering and excuse after excuse, the guy next door (named Don Cobb for the file) is a drug addict and I don't know if anything has been promised to him for anything that he may do. Which makes him just as dangerous.

The only thing that I can think of is:

1. I left the door unlocked (nothing stolen) and some bum/transient tried to get into the car and he chased them off (then Kudos and thanks).

2. It's a setup to see if I will come outside (I did a scan and didn't see anyone around except for him) if he was supposed to do me in (only had a flashlight).

3. He's lying to try to pretend that he's looking after the place since my uncle died and trying to get in good with me.

4. Something is going on and if I don't get my act together, I may well end up dead from this drug addicts, transients, etc..

Well neighbor are you going to Rickreal tomorrow?:D


edited to say; a good gunshow will help you soothe your nerves and Rickreal is the best show in Oregon
First, see the county prosecutor about court proceedings to reclaim your bike. Second, do NOT go outside with anybody you don't want on your 6. Third, check into motion activated outside lighting. Fourth, write things down and tell family/friends what, who, where, when, why and how. Fifth, be careful. I would not be outside at night with a addict I don't trust.
It's a small town called Rickreal 22 miles west of Salem. Great show, $5 to get in and free parking. Good food and not expensive. It is the way shows used to be. Show is at the fairgrounds and I have never seen a bad one.

He has your motorcycle for 3+ months and he can't give it back because he is sick??? If it is registered in your name, I would call him and tell him to drop it off in an hour, if he doesn't, you call the cops. I bet the motorcycle is long gone.

Good luck dealing with those people. Good idea posting the story on the board. If you come up missing, we'll know what's up.
4. Something is going on and if I don't get my act together, I may well end up dead from this drug addicts, transients, etc..
Go with that feeling and act accordingly.

Be alive to apologize later if you're wrong.

Get the bike back, tomorrow. If bike is not produced, call local PD and file complaint/charges. As far as the drug monkies, take the normal precations. Always armed, at all times. Do no allow him on your property, for any reason.

Get the bike back, then see what happens. Also, good advice on contacting another TFL member, maybe one close to your area, and detailing all of this, names, dates, happenings. Include your information as well.

Watch your 6, and hope all works out.
You already called the police, right? If not-I would recommend that you do so. All you have to do is to explain what's occuring and at the very least ask for a log entry. That way this is in writing, on record. I hope you haven't waited this long to involve the authorities.
Thanks all.

I've been thinking more and more about it and I will either get the bike back this weekend or I will start court proceedings on monday.

I have called the police and it's a "civil matter" since it was supposed to be fixed in a deal I had made with him and another. My only witness to the deal died last month (my uncle) so I don't have him to testify.

I never did get the bike put into my name even though it's paid for, it's still in the name of the person I bought it from and he's my boss at work. And, he's highly connected with many of the big hitters in the state so maybe if need be I can get him to pull some favors owed to him to maybe get some things done around here.

I've already given the information (name of guy, what is happening around here) to him (my boss), my Mom, and a fellow co-worker. They have the guys name and phone number that they can give to the police and also the directions to the place that he runs.

I don't care about mere property, I can always get what I paid for it and also abit more in court, I'm just got this funny feeling about this whole deal. That maybe the others were supposed to "do something" but didn't because of either being on the phone and telling the person that I would call them back, etc.. when the guy came over.

But, I could have left the door unlocked in the car and a passing transient came by and checked the door and it opened and he caught them and sent them running.

Oh well, lessons learned.


Doesn't sound like a very friendly nieghbor hood. I would suggest getting your bike back and finding more suitable place to live.

Won't be run off my own place. The house/property is family owned and I will be the one getting it. I will be moving next year so I can clean out the house and start working on it without having to move things and have windows/stuff out and having to live here also but once the house is finished I will be moving back into it.

The neighborhood really isn't that bad except from my place (because of the place across the street) to Creswell (all of goshem (and I'm spelling that wrongly)) is not a good neighborhood. It used to be before the guy across the street died and his ex-wife took over and moved in her druggie boyfriend and then he allows the transients to come over and work (and get drugged up) for drugs. I've called the cops but they won't do anything about them (transients are treated like kings and queens in Eugene because of the bleeding heart liberals).

Normally I wouldn't come on the boards and talk this much but my "spidie sense" is tingaling and I don't have a good feeling in the pit of my stomach. I won't go out any longer and just check things out after everyone is gone.

Thanks again.

FWIW, Wayne, it doesn't seem to me that the two situations you describe are related. I would go ask for the bike along with a witness who is willing to testify in Court, just in case. No ifs, no buts. Just, it's taking too long and I need it back, conversation. Probably you'll get it back then. If not, go to Court. In Florida, the action is called replevin.

With regard to the other incident, just be on your toes. It is never reckless to be attentive.

Good luck.
I know it's a civil matter, but it doesn't hurt to dot your i's and cross your t's. We take these kind of issues all the time and while they are civil matters, we still make log notes. FYI.
Wayne,I've spent some time in Eugene,transients will break your window to get any change they can see in the console.I have a friend that used to live at 16th and High,he makes good money,and is a beer drinker.He doesn't need to recycle the beer cans/bottles to get his $$ back,and he doesn't like his kitchen cluttered with them either.He just left them outside by the sidewalk,and in the morning they're gone,"just like magic",he says with a chuckle.My guess is that you left the door unlocked and had somethiung showing that somebody thought they could get some money for.I don't know what neighborhood you're in,but that's a reasonably large city,I think I'd be looking for a new place.He moved from the 16th street location to a place near Cornucopia,(18th/Lincoln),and now he's all bummed out because nobody steals his bottles anymore.It's amazing what a difference a couple of blocks makes in terms of quality of the neighborhood and its locals.For those unfamiliar,he went from a neighborhood that's essentially high density college rental housing to one that is primarily homeowners...Good luck...