Okay folks, what are we going to do if the worst happens?

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New member
Here is the scenerio, Bush wins, Gore refuses to accept defeat, takes it to court. The dems shop around for a sympathetic judge and the judge throws out the election. AL Gore wins!

Now what? Do we start to hear rumblings of a civil war? Do we startto denounce to the world that the US election system has become as corrupt as the past administration? Do we start burying rice and rifles everywhere?

Your thoughts please!

You can find the price of freedom, buried in the ground.

We're tryin' to get things sorted out today, so this thread will be in the Legal/Political forum.

(Good thread!)
Some judge isn't going to be the final word. This may go to the U.S. Supreme Court if things get dicey. And, they are starting to look dicey.

Regards from AZ
Um, I don't think the supreme court would touch this with a 10 foot pole - they are not required to grant certorari, and it's WAY to politicized for them.
If I were about to do something about this, I wouldn't post it here. I've tried to state my opinions so often the past day, but each time when I reread my post, I delete it, and opt not to post it.
If you're serious, don't post it here. I wouldn't even bother with email except to get a mailing address, and then use the USPS to mail comments to others. Anyone can see what you write here.
It could very easily end up with the Congress voting for president. Of course, then BC could declare the whole process null and void with "I HAVE TO STAY ON, FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN" or some other such nonsense from the White House. That would cause a real uproar. But, if BC believes he's got at least 50% of the people (and 100% of the UN armed forces) behind him, who knows what he may decide to do? I will admit, in all the scenarios I've read that MIGHT keep Billy boy in office, a snagged election was never one of them. The old chinese (american indian, arab, whatever) curse, "may you live in interesting times..." sure is holding true in MY LIFETIME.
We’ve recently had a massive influx of threads here in Legal & Political due to the FUBAR election. There are so many ongoing threads now that it is hard to keep up with them all; and many are duplicates. There are a lot of great comments spread all over the place and many of them are going to get overlooked otherwise.

I am going to try to close the newer ones that duplicate existing ones, just like always. I am also going to be closing a few older threads that didn’t originate in this (the proper) forum if one already existed here. No use punishing those who posted in the correct place to begin with.

I ask for your patience.

Thanks, :)

Closed. Here’s the thread to use instead: http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=30247
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