Okay, class, what did this man do right?


New member
Shot from ambush - truck hijacking.

We've heard of cell phone guns, now we've got cell phone armor!


"I heard a 'doof-doof' sound and one of my colleagues shouted 'they are shooting at us!' Alongside the truck was a bright red car with a man hanging out the window. I saw a flash and after the second shot I felt a pain in my hand," Daily Dispatch reported him recounting his story.

So now you know what it sounds like to get shot at. "Doof-doof"! :D

Seriously, what did this man do right? And what did he do wrong? Discuss among yourselves. ;)
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So now you know what it sounds like to get shot at. "Doof-doof"!

If you have one of those gangster guns with the sights on the side of the slide, instead of on top, they go "TOW!! TOW!! TOW!!!" (rhymes with "cow")
Well, based on the little info we have, my cut is that the one thing he did wrong probably saved his life. From my reading of the article I get the impression he was talking on his cell when this went down. I'd generally say the thing to do would be to immediately drop the phone and concentrate on evasive driving. Had he done that, would the bullet have entered his noggin? I dunno. Too many other "unknowns." Sounds like though that keeping the phone right where it was (probably a result of a combination of slow reaction time and initial "WTF" surprise) saved his life. Would he have sucessfully swerved out of the bullet's path had he dropped it and concentrated on driving? Maybe. Maybe not.