ok, so what states permit open carry? List them for me please....


New member
I'm curious as to which states permit open carry??

I ask because if there is a state that wont honor my non-resident FLA CCW permit, then I guess if I open carry I'll be legal??? so list the states please....

VA, CO, WY, PA.....

Careful. Some states 'allow' open carry simply because there aren't any laws on the books saying yea or nay. Doing so in various locations will definitely get unwanted attention. Heck, even out here on the western edge of VA, I've had several negative comments when I do happen to be OC. One lady made a clear point that she disapproved and had never seen anybody doing such a thing.
^^ wow.....interesting....I'd prolly tell her shut up ol' lady lol

anyhow, seriously.....just like the old saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.....

I figure that if I ever travel out of state with my handgun, I will find out ahead of time what is legal and acceptable there first before I go there. As a visitor/tourist, I'd hate to be arrested for OC and not knowing the laws of the town I'm visiting...
PA is open carry without having a permit except for Philadelphia, in which you need a permit to OC because it's a city of the first class. You'll need a LTCF while you're in the car however, as being in your vehicle makes it concealed.

Even still, I strongly suggest not doing so in Philly anyway. You will be confronted, and spend your day with the authorities. Especially since you're not even a PA resident, I don't think we have any kind of reciprocity with NY.

There's a forum that's for PA firearms owners that I'll have to check again, but I'm sure I have it right.
^^ I will agree with you here, even if open carry is legal, I probably wouldnt want to do it and draw a lot of attention to myself, whether it be from the cops, the good guys or the bad guys.

Maybe the only time I will open carry is if I go to a town where every 2-4 people open carry..
Here in the peaceful people's democratic republic of Delaware open carry is legal. However, if some person panics and 911s' your law abiding butt the view of some of our forward thinking peace officers is that you have disturbed the peace. Now we have a crime with a gun.

In your vehicle on the dashboard clearly displayed is legal. Cousin Fred the K9 guy tells me that this often results in a 911 call and a felony stop. Confusing since it ain't illegal.

I have posted that De was a shall issue state, that is incorrect. Permits seem to be going through "as if" but we are discretionary issue. You have to place an ad in the paper, get references, judge has discretion, permit can be denied on subjective criteria. So we still fall into the people's republic category in my book. :cool:

In Virginia, open carry is legal. We still have a lot of work to do because some progressive elements will always try to construe an armed citizen as a criminal. Ferinstance it would be a poor idea at best to OC in Alexandria, Fairfax or Arlington County.
I so love AZ, it is, for me, the last bastion of freedom. So little is regulated by .gov, the police are very nice, 1st and 2nd amendment rights are expressed simultaneously, drunk drivers are treated harshly, and ILLEGAL immigrants are not welcome.

Non-licensed Open Carry is the order of the day, I do so on a regular basis even though I have a Shall Issue AZ CCW.

Have a great gun carryin' Kenpo day

Virginia Beach is its own city not in any county. Actually in Va you're either in the jurisdiction of a county or an incorporated city, not both. Doesn't really matter anyway as in 2004 a preemption law was passed making gun sales and carry laws uniform statewide.

Arlington; when my wife and I were dating, she lived there and I open carried often. The Arlington police were actually pretty cool with it.
In Massachusetts open carry is legal with a LTC A permit while hunting on public land, and ones own property. Even though there is no law against open carry in public, it is not advised since it will end with a arrest for brandishing a deadly weapon and possible a long legal battle in court.
It's legal in NH, but usually only seen in the north country and while hiking anywhere. Doing that in the southern areas' shopping malls and downtown and all is just asking for trouble.
Legal in Montana. Also, concealed carry is legal w/o a permit outside of town limits, logging or mining camps. Concealed carry in a car is legal everywhere.

The MT law defines concealed as covered by an article of clothing.
Pinky, Idaho did away with the silly logging, mining and railroad camps rule. CC without a permit is legal anywhwere outside of city limits - even in your vehicle.

OC is legal most everywhere.
I make a point of open carrying in places like Arlington, Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia. Not to be a jerk, although I may well be one, but to exercise a right, and let people know their neighbors can and do carry without blood running in the street.

I second apr1775 - Arlington police, contrary to most of the local citizenry, have been briefed on the law, and respond calmly to these calls. Ditto for most Fairfax police, with some notable exceptions. Haven't had as much experience in Alexandria proper - I'm seldom in Old Town, where I'd expect the most reaction.
I just read this in the New Mexico Gun laws: Found out I can carry Concealed while in my truck!:D


It is unlawful to carry a concealed loaded hand-gun on the person or in close proximity thereto so that the handgun is readily accessible for use. This does not apply to: 1) carrying in a person's residence or on real property belonging to him as an owner, lessee, tenant or licensee; 2) carrying in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance, for lawful protection of person or property; or 3) carrying by a peace officer in the lawful discharge of his duties.