Ok. So what do I use THIS gun for???

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My dad gave me a Ruger Blackhawk chambered for .30 carbine. It has a bbl that looks about 8 inches.
What can such a firearm be used for???

Prairy Dawgs...

With Jacketed Conical bullets, it is armor pearcing... So stopping oncoming light vehicles is an option...

Hmmm... Hunting Deer, Javelinas, Jackrabbits, Coyote, Jackalopes, Bald Eagles...

Home Defiance - I mean DEFENSE...

Plinking... all kinds of stuff... be creative.
That revolver will out last your life time...

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

Have it MagnaPorted, it helps with the muzzle blast. LOL

Uses? Medium to smaller game, plinking, whatever.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I have had the opportunity to shoot a 4" 30 carbine blackhawk quite a bit. It will do pretty much anything that you want it too. I mostly used it to shoot cans and old liscense plates.
By the way, it had the loudest retort of any handgun I have ever fired, bar none. When I was young and stupid, a friend and I took it out and shot a couple of boxes through it without any hearing protection. That night I went on a date, and went dancing, she thought I was a really bad dancer, but the fact was I couldn't actually hear the music over the ringing in my head.
Back on subject, its a really fun gun, with sufficient power for all sorts of odd jobs.
How about informal silhouette shooting? Flat shooting and plenty of power. Sounds like BIG fun!

Join the NRA.
To begin with they are really collectors and since not many were sold, normally rather expensive. I would suggest checking out the value and then deciding what to do with it. It seems that I have seen them for sale at over $1000. My old Gun Trader's Guide from 1992 shows $955 and manufactured from 1963 to 1965. Values change all of the time, I don't know if it is still as hot or hotter on the market now, but you should look into it. The published values were only guidelins and actually selling prices varied all over the country and without much predictability on all of the used guns. Good luck, Jim
.30 Carbine Blackhawk is a current catalog item. I've been tempted to buy one, just so as to have a Blackhawk in every available caliber.
Sorry about that, I was thinking of the single shot, tip out 30 carbine. Another senior momemt provided for your enjoyment by Jim.......
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