OK people, when was the last time you bought someone a NRA membership?


New member
I just popped for memberships for two of my family members. You can get them for only 25 dollars a piece right now if you call 800 551-0173. Included with the memberships are their choice of magazines, a Charlton Heston silver bullet, and a small Schrade pocket knife.

If every member of the NRA would just buy one gift membership for a friend or family member, we could double our membership to 6 million over night. Wouldn't that make people take notice?!

I haven't done it lately, but I got one for my nephew for his 12th birthday.

I was just thinking after Miss Demeannor's fine efforts on our behalf, perhaps TFL could institue a recognition award for new folks like her who represent responsible gun folks well by awarding them a 1st years membership in the pro-self defense organization of their choice (e.g. NRA, GOA, LEAA, 2ND Amendment Foundation, JPFO, etc.).

Rich, what do you think, is there an easy way for TFL to administer such a thing? I got $20 to start -
You can also join the NRA through us. We are NRA recruiters and members of the NRA Business Alliance. We give a discount on our holsters to those that join up through us - $10.00 holster discount for a new membership, $5.00 for a renewal. The offer on the discount does not have an expiration date. It can be used at any time.


Precision Crafted
Kydex Holsters
Great idea NRAlifer.

Please also remember that giving someone a membership is still not enough. We need to convince new NRA (GOA, JPFO, etc.) members that THEY HAVE TO GET INVOLVED. They must write and call their Representatives.

Out of sight, out of mind...

Thanks guys for the encouragement and for the added suggestions.

I have posted this message on some progun boards and I have practically been laughed at. I know the NRA has problems and that a lot of people prefer GOA, but I still think that a 6,000,000 member NRA could kick butt and take names.

Heck the magazines and the pocketknife are worth the 25 dollar membership fee. If a gunowner can't shell out a measly 25 dollars to defend the Second Amendment, he or she deserves to lose their guns!


<A HREF="http://www.netbabbler.com/goto/index.php3?forumid=12204">
Joe's Second Amendment Message Board</A>

[This message has been edited by nralife (edited July 16, 1999).]
NRALIFE, has hit the nail on the head.
I have talked about NRA gift memberships, they are great for fathers days, b-days, christmas etc...
I am a NRA recruiter (just like my friend Sidearmor, Hi Patricia)
I believe that forums like this it should be a requirement that members be a member of some national pro-gun organization (NRA, GOA, JPFO etc... ) They do this at gun clubs all the time and some employers do this also for employees. I would be more than happy to offer a discount for NRA memberships through the Firing Line if they did something like this.
Or as Mike In VA said if TFL wanted to give memberships as reward I could work that out also.

I tell you I have I have only been on TFL for a short time and there is a lot of grassroots work here. We need to be telling this to everyone we know. We must get the NRA's membership to 6 Million. We as NRA recruiters cant do it all, we need you NRA members to get others to join. Also keep your memberships current. I became a NRA recruiter around April 1st. Since then I have signed up over 75 new members, I am averaging just over 5 new members a week. We need your help.
I'm the NRA
I just signed my wife up here a couple of months ago. Have spent a lot of money one the NRA this year. In fact I blew my whole budget for the year at our friends of the NRA dinner a couple of months ago. We did real good for a small town. We made a little over $15,000. Am working right now on raising funds for the Endowment Fund.

Your post of giving memberships as a gift gave me an idea as to how I can stay within budget and still help more... from now on, I'm giving NRA memberships as all my birthday presents. :)

I did the next best thing. There are two teenage boys in my church who are shooters, both own .270's. So I called up Midway, bought them a Lee Anniversary kit with a set of dies, case trimmer, 100 bullets, etc. Scrounged some powder and primers from my bench, took it to church and said" If you 2 join the NRA, this kit is yours." Got two reloaders and 2 new NRA members.
I am so mad at the NRA lately I almost wish I hadn't but what the heck. (I have yet to receive my silver bullets, and I signed up 4 guys under the silver bullet deal. As usual, the NRA does not keep its promises.)
Silver Bullets


The way I understand it, only the members get the silver bullets, not the person who signs them up. At least that is what I was told last night when I asked if the silver bullets could be sent to a separate address. Besides the NRA is being swamped with new members and it may take a while for anyone to get them right now.

NRA membership is up right now. Over 50,000 people have joined in the last 2 weeks. So if the membership dept. is slow be patient, the NRA will not cheat you out of anything you have earned or deserve. The NRA has only about 400 employees to serve over 3 million members. So give them a break, they have got bigger fish to fry. Not to say that you complaints are not valid just please be patient. I am going to a Gun show in Austin, TX tommorrow to get new members so the membership dept might be a little slower after this weekend. LOL
As far as the silver bullet brigade I thought that promotion was over. Not real sure that is not a program that I deal with.
I'd like to purchase a gift membership for one William J. Clinton, Janet Reno, Charles Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein. If this can be done, I will definitely pay for it. All I need is their address, right? Does anyone have their addresses? (Clinton's is 1600 Penn Ave.).
Futo Inu,

!ROTFLMBO! THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE READ HERE (outside of the "joke" threads) IN THE LONGEST TIME!!! I love it!

I'm sorry that I can't help you with the addresses, but by all means, please keep us posted!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited July 23, 1999).]
Have any of you seen the "Banned" video put out by the NRA? I received a copy of it in the mail, and didn't look at it for probably two months. When I did, I immediately sent in my upgrade/renewal.

The topic of the video is what has happened to England and Australia after their new firearm laws were enforced, and shows footage of how the confiscated guns are destroyed. Most of the people interviewed were gun owners before the laws were made, and now wish that they had been more vocal about wanting to keep their guns. Sound like anything you have heard before?

The video may be copyrighted, but I would make and send copies if anyone is interested. Right now I am circulating it to several aquaintences that are gun owners. A couple were not NRA members before, but they have joined since watching (foreign) government workers cut up guns with a chop saw.

See you at the rallies in August!

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."
Ecclesiastes 10:2

[This message has been edited by BigFang (edited July 23, 1999).]