Ok, I've had it! All bets are off.


New member
I am sitting here watching a replay of Hardball and I am at a loss. How is it that that a Cali. Dem. D. Frankenstien, get to power? Are the people of the US so ignorant that they would follow a sick cow to water? Are the rights totally gone? From what I can tell, anything that is granted in the Constitution, except for those that the Dem's need, is wrong! Stupid..stupid..stupid. Thats all I can come up with.

Should I give up? I am sick of being told that I have no right to have Rights! What am I to do? We have a president that is a liar. Our VP is a liar and our people still belive them!
I pay my taxes and I am still sh!t on by my employees. What should I do? Lay down and take it up the A$$? What I am getting at is that government is no longer in our hands. I write to my congresscritter and I get a "Thank You". WTF? I put you into office and all I get is that!

Sorry for the rant. I am 50% drunk and 100% fed up. Yet, I still do not have any hope that the "people" will do anything good.

While I Breath I Hope
I share your disgust & revusion. Yesterday Rush replayed sound bites of DiFi, Barbara Boxer, & Patty Murray slamming Dick Cheney-- it was truly revolting the lies, spin, distortion AND slander these "Klintoon-Enablers" peddled without hesitation or remorse.
Bear one thing in mind--people tend to believe what they *see* and most of them get their "news" from the !@#$! TV! The fact that in 1992 89% of Washington Bureau Chiefs voted for Klink, and that in 1996 that changed to 92% of reporters nationwide shows you how biased-- and worthless-- most "news" is.
TV sets the agenda-- whether it's "the e-vile Gunz R killin' our chillun!" or "Gay iz OK!" or the myth that women earn 73% of what men do, they announce the importance of things.
And if they don't like a story-- for any reason-- they just do not talk about it....ever!
The answer is, of course, a better informed and educated public. Until now, that was impossible, given the stranglehold the mainstream press had on news.
But the Web is going to change that--
John I agree the web will change things but how long will it take and watch as the guvmint tries to regulate it in the name of the children. I think those scummy lawyers that took on the tabacco companies and guns manufacturers should aim at the big three in media as they have clearly held a monoploly over the visual news for decades. Why are there only a few stations to view for free, and why is it so hard for other stations to start up? The media (big three) have had total control of the airwaves forever.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited July 27, 2000).]
I agree that the web is changing things but along with that I agree that the freedom that we have here is in danger. Without a President and SC that values freedom I give the internet 7 years. I left out congress because I have no faith in them.

What really gets me about Frankienstien and the likes is their rage. If it is not their view then it must be cut to pieces. There is no reason or rhyme to it, just hate. I thought they were supposed to care for people! Actually I didn't but the glass toilet told me to think that.

One more thought, are the Dems. scared of Chaney? I know that they are scared of the GOP winning but, with Chaney about all that they can do is make heart problem jokes. Are they that low or that scared?

While I Breath I Hope
Check out the note I posted: "'Lifetime' Slanders George Bush."

Same problem.

Solution is to contact those advertisers who depend upon consumer support.
Here's a tip: get 100% drunk. It's really the only way to watch TV. The sitcoms get funnier and the "news" programming gets easier to watch.

If you're going to stay sober, turn off the tube.
The best way we can fight back against the "rich" democrats and their shady fund-raising is to ante up ourselves. We have to make up in volume of contributors for the smaller size of the contributions. In other words, a million of us have to contribute $20 or $50 to make up for the millions contributed by the rich liberals. I fear that the NRA and other groups have given up trying to oust the Feinstein and Boxer types, which allows the democrats to spend their money elsewhere. We have to take open-minded young adults out to shoot and bring them over to our side and keep contributing to campaigns of pro-gun candidates. I think that's our only hope, unfortunately.

[This message has been edited by Calif Hunter (edited July 27, 2000).]
I agree with Jack99. Anything worth doing is worth doing 100%. (Put your guns to bed first.)

License T.V.'s, not guns,

Hang in there kid. Alot of us feel the same way. Continue to vote. This has really been a wild ride under Clinton. We share your pain. We're not going to surrender.
How about a class action suit against the federal gov'nt and any state or local gov'nt, plus Lawyer firms that go after gun Manufacturers for violating 2nd Admendment rights. Think there is any Lawyers that would take this. How about suing any gov'nt person in the White House or Congress that voted against 2nd Amendment right. They were elected and sworn to uphold the Constitution.
Gun Owners of America has filed suit against the Mayors of the cities filing actions against the gun manufacturers and also filed suit against Housing Secretary Cuomo for discriminatory practices in pushing S&W over other manufacturers who haven't caved in to pressure from him and the President. It takes money to do this, though...every gun owner should belong to this group, as well as the NRA. Contribute as much as you can. Yeah, they'll keep bugging you for more, just like the NRA does, but ignore them when you can't afford to give more. I think if we are not kicking in what we can, though, we're simply not doing our part! Heck, give the price of a box of ammo every now and then...it's worth that much, isn't it? Make their side come up with money for attorneys!
Gun Owners of America is at www.gunowners.org
Yeah, I agree I should have given it the old 100% try but I try not to do that too often. As for what Rasosko said, I hope you are right. In the mean time I am proud to say that no one can claim that Clinton is my fault through votes. I was to young to vote in either of those screwups.

Oh yeah, if I hear "Gravitas" used one more time I'm going to take Eddie's(from Big Brother) crutch and beat every reporter, Dem., and whoever else comes to mind over the head with it. I don't have one of those calanders so I don't know if that is the word of the week.

While I Breath I Hope

[This message has been edited by JCH (edited July 27, 2000).]
I just had one of those wonderful conversations where I was told that fishing licenses are good and we should pay taxes at the levels we do and that it is best for the community and that all our laws and regulations are good and this is the best damn country there is, go somewhere else if you don't like it you're too negative. Kind of like saying this dead corpse stinks less then the dead one over there so lets roll in it and be glad. I will never understand the mind that feels the need to be ruled, I share your pain.

I can imagine what the germans sounded like before the fall. They just cannot see at all.
I thought Jack's take on this is correct. In fact I thought it was a prerequisite for posting here! If not I've been doing it all wrong for the last few months.
If you can, join the Tyranny response team in Knoxville Tennessee next Sat. They need your help!
Madison, since you are a fellow prisoner do you know if the term limits imposed by kali apply to our senators as well? Did not know.