OK, I'm embarrased

Horny Toad

New member
I'm embarrased for two reasons.

1) I own a Raven arms MP-25

2) I don't know how to field strip it.

It's was my father's - he passed away a few years ago, and it's just been sitting in my safe. I looked at it last night and thought "What the hell, maybe I'll take it to the range and see how it shoots." The thing is, it looks like it could use a cleaning, and it could definitely use some lubrication. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to break it down. I know, I know, the easiest way to break it down is to drop it on my basement floor. :D I know it probably isn't worth the trouble, but I'd like to at least try it out if possible. Anyone know how to strip this thing?

Horny Toad
I got one the same way. My dad isn't dead yet, but he is not well. I don't have an actual instruction book, but just take a pencil or something and push in on the plug that is at the rear of the slide. It has a catch that holds the slide to the frame. I cannot explain exactly what to do, but when the plug is pushed in work the slide until you are able to lift the rear end of it from the frame. The slide then comes off of the fixed barrel like a PPK. Once you have done it you will see how easy it actually is. The Raven does actually shoot, not accurate, but it does work. Some high priced guns I have owned could not do that. Good luck. Watch-Six
P.S. The pistol must NOT be cocked and must have the safety "off" to be disassambled. It also has a magazine safety, so the mag has to be in place to uncock it once it is cocked. Who would think that such a cheap gun would have so many safeties? Best. Watch-Six