OK. I May Start a New Career as a Comedian

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New member
The wife and I were out and about today. Stopped in several gun stores looking for the illusive .22LR ammo. Each time I asked about availability, I was met with a chorus of laughter. I never realized I was such a funny guy...:rolleyes:
It's starting to come in, slowly, but is still being bought up quickly. My Walmart finally got a (case?) each of CCI Stingers and Mini-Mags. In two visits before work and at lunch, I got three boxes of the former and one of the latter, but by the end of the day they were all gone. Still, it was much better than not seeing ANY CCI .22s for the last 9 months.

I think it's still going to be a number of months before the situation normalizes and ammo will stay on the shelf for a while. A lot of people have been burned by not having it around and would be glad to part with a few hundred in cash to have a few thousand .22s put back (including me).
I was at Wal-Mart a couple of days and was pleasantly surprised to find 22lr on the shelf. I picked up my three boxes. There was none yesterday, but there was 9mm. I hadn't seen any there in 6 or 8 months. I think things are beginning to lighten up a little.
I was in Gander last weekend; some 30ish oaf is told by the floor staff that no .22 is available and the guy just lost it! Wandered around loudly venting to his wife, the staff and the general public about what a crappy store, etc., etc..

Wonder where this guy has been the past nine months.......
Wonder where this guy has been the past nine months.......

Really... You gotta keep your humor about the whole thing. I'm just hoping the 2014 Mid-Terms go well. If the dems get control of both the House and Senate, this stuff could go on for several more years. The louder the liberals shout about gun control, the longer this will go on. I don't agree with the hoarding and gouging, but, I can understand folks trying to stock up. And, that all contributes to the current situation. I gave in and paid $85 bucks for a brick of .22s a few weeks back ($60 + shipping). But, I had already spent more than that in gas looking for ammo.

I do think things will normalize at some point.

My lessons learned:

1. I will never again be caught short of ammo after normalcy returns.
2. I will not buy another gun that I don't have ammo for during a shortage.
Post #6, hoarders...

I agree with post #6 to an extent. I don't have a huge armory or 1000s of cases of ammunition but I was thinking that to buy/store 500-1000 rounds of practice/carry ammunition at any given point is not a bad idea.
I would think it wasn't necessary to "hoard" carry rounds or buy cases of ammunition but now, in 2013, I might start too.
Training rounds are still almost out of budget now & most of the gun ranges/shops near me are no longer flooded with ammunition choices like 2010 or so.

Every shortage makes me readjust my comfort level for ammo and components. Before 1994 I was good with a couple boxes per caliber on hand and swing by the sporting goods store on the way to the range if I needed more. Or have 1 pound if each powder on hand and puck up more as needed.

Now with at least four periods of shortages later I am up to a few thousand for each and a keg per powder. As we get more gun owners and the gun laws become more onerous the shortage seem to last longer and longer.
After the last shortage I promised myself I would keep a years worth of stock in the ammo and components I use regularly. I've weathered this storm pretty well (I do shoot every Sunday), but have gotten pretty low in .22LR. I won't hoard ammo and things I don't need, or use, or use often, but I think I am going to re-evaluate and keep 3 years worth on-hand. There are many calibers I don't shoot or buy, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let yabo's who scarf up everything ruin my hobby for me.
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