OK, I know it's not an N frame


New member
Browsing the local gun show today, saw a revolver on a table, tag said Model 10, and price matched a used Model 10. But it is actually a five screw M&P, two inch round butt. From either 1950 or 1951 by serial number. All indications are that it is unfired. All serial numbers match, including stocks. For $275 I couldn't leave it behind. ;)

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Nice piece, Bob! Good find...there IS one thing I'm curious about...how is the action, smoothness-wise, as compared to your other, well-used "K's" from around the same time???....mikey357
That's a neat little gun. I have a Model 12 Airweight, which I bought after passing on one of the pre-Model 12 M&P all-aluminum five screw guns. It's blessed with an outstanding factory trigger, much better than any Colt I've ever held in my hands, and easily equal to my gunsmith-tuned carry revolvers.

Those Model 12s and the M&Ps are still very respectable carry revolvers. Six shots in a light package, just a bit taller than a Detective Special, makes for a good pocket gun.

When I got it, trigger was slightly rough, and a bit heavy compared to the other well used K frames I have. Took the sideplate off, to check things out and was full of dried lube, sticky!! So cleaned and added Tetra oil. Trigger is now smooth, DA is around 12 pounds, SA right at 3 pounds. Still a bit heavier than the others, but they have been well used, this one is, as far as I can tell unfired. No burning or deposits on cylinder face, no brass rubs on recoil shield, and topstrap and forcing cone are unmarked and completely clean. Only marks on gun at all are a slight cylinder ring and a chip in one stock (looks almost like the wood just dried out and flaked a piece out). Removing grips and sidepanel was rough. Neither wanted to come loose. Lots of tapping with rubber mallet. All screw heads are perfect.
Bob, thanks for the info...about what I expected. I guess that the natural lubes in use fifty years ago just don't have that "long-term" staying power!!! Well, at least when compared to the newer synthetics, that is!!! I hope you get lots of good use out of your M&P...who knows, you might even get a "wild hair" and try carrying it!!!....mikey357
"The" detective revolver for those who preferred S&W to Colt before the Chiefs Special, and even after for its 6th round.
