Ok, I give up! (Computer question)

Miss Demeanors

New member
I made a webpage off of Front Page 98,
its all ready to go.....I have a space
at acme and everything. Now will someone
please tell me how to get it in there?
Do I have to upload ALL the files or is
there an easier way to do this? :(
I can't help you exactly because I don't have Front Page. But it basically involves FTPing your files to the proper URL address on your server that holds your files (not the URL address that people will type in to access your web pages). If you're not sure what that address is, you might have to contact your service provider. Most programs should have the FTP ability built-in to the program. I just don't know what it is for Front Page.
the acme upload page will handle the ftp part

but you have to click on the use filemanager advanced button

at the bottom of the linked page is the upload files area
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>U P L O A D F I L E S
This function will ONLY work with Netscape 2.0 and above or MS
IE 3.02 or above.
Please note that there is a 1MB maximum file size limit on our server. Files bigger than this will NOT be uploaded.
To upload files into your space on the server, use the 'Browse' buttons below to select
the files you want to upload, then click the 'Upload files' button. Please note that in order
for the file names to be acceptable to our server, all spaces and characters such as ^, ~
and & will be removed from the file names, and all filenames converted to lower case. [/quote]

pay attention to this
if you write the html refering to files with capital letters in there names...
the links are nonfunctional

you click the browse button
locate the file to be uploaded
then find the next one
when you find all the files hit the Upload files button

if the images for the page are stored in an images directory, then you need to duplicate this structure on the acme site
create directory named images and upload pix in there

i have created some complex stuctures on Acme but the individual file upload is a bear...

Let me know the URL to what you're doing when you're done :)

"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges."
(The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
Tried the heels, didn't work :(

Tried Acme but I have about 75 files to upload! There must be an easier way.

I did get part of the site up at angelfire but none of the graphics came out :(
All the text came out and a few graphics did show up, but the rest all had that little broken picture :( What am I doing wrong?

I even tried to use the web publishing wizard, its starts publishing but says images file already exists.? But there are NO files in there?

I think I need a drink :)
If you are using any of the 'bells and whistles' that come along with FrontPage, the site you are uploading to has to have the FrontPage extensions installed on the server. Otherwise, your site won't show up properly.

Its hard to say with out detailed info as to what you've actually done or are trying to do. But in a nutshell, when you load up Frontpage, create a new web, and change the location to the uploading site (i'e, the url of where your site is going to go). Then you can create your page there. Frontpage is a pain in the arse. I'm not sure if this is the dilema you are facing, but as I said, its hard pinpoint a problem without actually knowing what you have done or are doing.

Wish I could help...

I use Front Page in my Web publishing business (www.wyoweb.com) and I teach it in our local school. When you publish with Front Page you are best off publishing to a virtual domain hosted on an NT Server with the extensions installed. However, you can publish your Web to a directory if you have the path to the folder. As for images not showing up, if you let FrontPage import and embed the images you might have to go back and place the images again. Damn...this is getting long.

Try this, create your pages with the Front Page editor and do not use any of the "bells and whistles" just straight HTML. Save all of your files in one folder, or at most put the images in a separate folder and use relative linking. Then get an ftp program off the net, I use WS_FTP LE and it is shareware. Then just FTP your files up to your server. Gee this is frustrating and I doubt I am helping. Call tech support, lol.
Hehe. That's what I used to use, ws_ftp95. FTP is very simple it. Unfortunately, the link I had for it is dead now. Now I'm using Dreamweaver 2, and it's just as easy on there. All I have to do is click the "put" button without highlighting anything and it'll send all my files. Or, I can highlight only specific one(s). Dreamweaver is just beautiful. A bit quirky, but beautiful.

Links. FWIW, I put my images on the same subdirectory as all of my HTMLs. I have a small site from a local provider, so it doesn't matter to me. But anyway, I've never had a problem that way. When creating links, I only type in the name of the HTML. On both Netscape Composer and Dreamweaver, I've never had to translate them to exact URL addresses. They just get translated by itself. Hope that help.

[This message has been edited by SB (edited December 19, 1999).]