OK grocery customer takes down armed robber NY style ...


New member
without a firearm.

Not recommended but somethimes you just get so p---ed off that you do the reckless thing.

When the guy fired the firearm this guy tackeled him and held him for the PD. I believe he did the right thing because once a perp fires his weapon it means that he has lost all fear of using it on a human. That is the logical next step.

FOX News video link
He didn't do the safe thing, but I cannot say he did the "wrong" thing. Sure the guy was leaving and was no longer a threat to the man or anyone else in that store, but what about the next place he robbed after escaping this scene. he had already proven he was armed and willing to use it to commit his crimes. I believe he would have only been bolder next time if he got away this time.
HE didn't do the safe thing!

That's it in a nutshell. We are always told (and expected) to do the safe thing. Well, I've got news for those who don't already know, that when someone robs/assaults you at gun point,


All there is, is the hope that non resistance will keep you safe. That's all. A hope. And all to often it is a false hope.

Once upon a time, there were very distinct differences in the penalties for armed robbery and murder. Today there aren't. Once upon a time if you robbed a store (or a bank, or etc.) you got XX years in jail (20 was common). If you killed someone, you got the needle, the chair, the gas chamber, or in more barbaric locals, the rope. That just ain't so today. A few places still execute murderers, but not most. And with "life" in jail often meaning 20 years (with good behavior) then release, just what is the incentive for the criminal not to shoot the clerk, iin order to keep from being identified?

The video systems virtually all stores have today are a help, but there is a big difference between a B&W video (often not clearly showing the face), and a real live person to testify.

"Do what the man with the gun wants and you won't get hurt!" is BS, and large numbers of dead victims would tell you that if they could. Large numbers of wounded survivors (many crippled for life), and raped women can tell you the same thing. Passive compliance to the goblin with the gun sure helped all those kids at Columbine and Viriginia Tech (to name just two) didn't it?

I'm not saying you must charge in to the guns like Marines, don't be stupid. Just understand that doing nothing, even when you have the chance doesn't mean you will be safe, or spared.

It ain't PC (like I care!), but remember the old bumper sticker "Fight Crime, Shoot Back!" If more people could, and would, I think we would be better off.
Not as safe, not as dangerous...

Agreed, not a safe thing to do, but not as foolhardy as it could be.

In an article referenced in today's roundup on keepandbeararms.com,
the citizen said the robber fired, and the gun jammed. The citizen then
thought (quickly?) here's a chance, and grappled the robber.
What about next time?

If yo let a abd guy go just becauwse he didn't kill someone this time what's to say tomorrow he won't? I was always taught to deal with it now is better than to deal with it later. So, the guy driving drunk today makes it home bnut tomorrow runs down a kiid in a crosswalk. Did you do the right thing to eet him get away today? Give me a break! That is like saying well he didn 't hurt me, he just shot the neighbor so I just let him leave...

I like the idea that good guys take down the bad guys now. It's called duty and courage and neither mean anything to cowards.
The video sure looked like no one else had the stones to help the guy out with the robber after he had him down.