OK: ENOUGH DEMOCRACY, ALREADY! Let's Try It Like It's Supposed To Be


There were no primaries originally.

The Presidential vote was intentionally set up not to be directly democratic. The only branch of government directly elected was one-half of one out of three: the House in the Legislative Branch. Or: one-sixth of the government as opposed to our present two-thirds.

Hmmm...... let's takea look here...Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madson..... vs Clinton, Bush, Bush, Carter..... okaay..., right... let's see.... lotsa issues about guns now, pretty quiet about that early on...hmmmm.... Well.....

Best get back to our origins. Representative Republic, as designed. When in doubt, follow the directions.

Yeah ... because Schumer and Harry Reid and that ilk would elect someone like a Washington or Jefferson.

Thanks, man. That was the best laugh of my day!

I think I'll stick with democracy ...
Maybe if we put in some term limits in congress

Amen, pass the ballots brother!

People like to go on about the Presidential "Dynasty" that has sprung up between the Bushes and the Clintons but folks seem to conveniently ignore the other "royal house" that seems to have developed.
How about this concept. Nobody RUNS for congress, people are drafted by chance. Just like jury selection, except no way to get out of it.

We'd probabably want to increase the size of congress to get a larger sampling,but we could do that too. In fact we could make it 10 times the size and do everything virtual, so that no all ever have to be in the same room.

With a congressional draft no lobbyists/dynasties/etc.

Interesting, huh?
I'm The OP and:

Of course, my original post is pretty tongue-in-cheek. Still, provocative comparisons between now and the early elective processes...

How about Canada - the length of campaigns: ONE MONTH PERIOD!.

THAT I'll take, plus a ban on all media except newspapers. And ban on all campaign spokes-persons and "spin-people". Just the candidates. Plus lengthy debates: like Lincoln and Douglas. In person all over the country. Transcripts and radio-listening only. Ban an all media-spin post-debate chatter.
THAT I'll take, plus a ban on all media except newspapers. And ban on all campaign spokes-persons and "spin-people". Just the candidates. Plus lengthy debates: like Lincoln and Douglas. In person all over the country. Transcripts and radio-listening only. Ban an all media-spin post-debate chatter.
That sounded better in the original Russian.
I think a lottery for Senate and Representative would be ideal. Kinda like local gov't where you don't serve your term, you take your turn.

Wouldn't that simplify things? All backgrounds represented, plain language used in all things legal, term up and back to your old job.

While we're at it: How about voting based like shareholders. Every $500 paid in taxes nets you 1 vote. If you pay nothing, no vote. Stands to reason that those who don't pay and perhaps benefit from government programs should not vote as it's a conflict of interest.
While we're at it: How about voting based like shareholders. Every $500 paid in taxes nets you 1 vote. If you pay nothing, no vote. Stands to reason that those who don't pay and perhaps benefit from government programs should not vote as it's a conflict of interest.

Great! Then about 10% of the popluation will rule the country. :barf: