OK Campus Carry Bills need your help to survive


Howdy All!

I've pasted a general alert we've put out in Oklahoma about our bills dying without receiving a hearing. While I don't want to spam Sen. Barrington with with out of state comments, please do contact him if you have an OK connection. Thanks in advance for the help!


My name is Adrienne O’Reilly and I’m the Oklahoma Director of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. This year in Oklahoma we have four bills filed that wouldl allow concealed carry by licensed individuals on college campuses. Unfortunately, these bills are in danger of dying without ever being heard. We need supporters to contact Senator Don Barrington, the chair of the Senate Public Safety Committee, and ask him to please schedule a hearing for Senate Bill 858, our general campus carry bill, and Senate Bill 896, our faculty carry bill.

As a young female, this issue is important to me because I am forced to work and attend class in an environment where I don’t have the ability to defend myself. Frankly, no matter what I do, I will never be as strong as my male counterparts, and a firearm is the only thing that would even the odds if someone were to attack me. We need to let Senator Barrington know how important this issue is to Oklahoma voters. Please call his office and ask him to schedule Senate Bills 858 and 896 for a hearing.

Here is his contact info:

Capitol office phone: 405-521-5563
Room 515 in the Capitol building

If you have any questions about this issue or what Students for Concealed Carry on Campus is doing in Oklahoma, please feel free to email me at

Thank you for your help!

Adrienne O'Reilly
Oklahoma Director
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
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