ok Biys, It's time to turn 'em in

Bill Hebert

New member
I heard on the news this morning that California has "tightened up" its assalt weapons legislation to include assault "look alikes." What exactly is in the legislation? Does that mean that Mini 14's are now "assault weapons" in Kalifornia? If they are, I'll buy every one "back" for $50, and I'll pay S&H....Of course, I'll have them shipped to a FFL.. I know sarcasm doesn't work very well in this media..but what is it going to take to get people off their duff and get this foolishness stopped?
I grew up in the People's Republic of California, and left nearly 12 years ago.

Frankly, the only thing I miss is the ocean.

Cali's politics have always been scrod. The state is beyond the pale of sanity.

How's this for a Final Solution: gunners in other, saner states, sponsor a Cali gunner to move to your state. When the sane Calis have left, nuke the San Andreas fault.

--Beachfront property in Nevada and Arizona.
--Gorgeous sunsets for the next 100 or so years.
--Feinstein, Davis, and Boxer go sliding off into the ocean.
--We can honestly say we're building down our nuke inventory.

--Hmmm, can't think of any.
The term "Final Solution" called up the concept you intended (and made me a bit nervous). With our luck, we'd bomb the San Andreas Fault and California would stay dry and the rest of America would sink. (argh!)

It would be a shame to lose Monterey, Big Sur, and Los Padres National Park (among others). There's also a lot of innocent critters that deserve better than being nuked (or the slower agony of current California politics).

Couldn't we just have some "precision", non-nuclear "surgical strikes" in Los Angeles, Hollyweird, and San Francisco? I'm willing to add Sacramento!(?)

Hmm. The names San Francisco and Los Angeles both have religious connotations. Could they be our current Sodom and Gomorrah? If HE wiped out the first two, could it be our "obligation" to "clean" our own house? (Just some grins, folks, I ain't really a bomber...)

Forrest Grump
Hmmm... Dennis makes some good points that I hadn't considered.

Perhaps someone could engineer a virus that attacks liberals?

The law is very vague (intentionally)...although, Mini's are safe for the next few months or until the Perata Society needs more headlines. The vagueness allows them to easily redefine assault weapons at anytime...including a 10/22.

However, before they go that far, they will pass and enforce AB17 first, which will require registration and permitting of ANY & ALL guns. Well, we know what happened when they instituted mandatory registration of SKS, AR-15's and AK's. Only a fool will comply if AB17 passes.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'll gladly adopt a Kalifornian - but she has to be a single, blond, beach bunny, that likes to shoot. I'll even supply the ammo. No burley Marine Corps sargents need apply.
Hey! I already have a beautiful, blond, beachbunny! So I'll take the burly Marine Sgt - If he's a firearms instructor!

Oboy! Give Gunny a room, feed him (hmm, THAT might get expensive!), and tell him not to break stuff or hurt the family, or eat the dog! (Oy, Schmidt will kill me for this!) Intruders are all his for his entertainment! :D

We'll pool our retirement pay and buy a nearby indoor range (that I think is for sale)!

I'll bet an old Gunny could teach this old Zoomie a LOT about firearms and related subjects! Besides, if the balloon goes up, I'd have a good shooter to reload for....

An excited Forrest Grump!

PS. Do folks need an exit visa to leave the Peoples' Republic of Kalifornia?
If, or rather when, SB23 passes, I will be looking to jump ship. Maybe we should just do the Indian earthquake dance and hope that it kills all the stupid people in Kalifornia (should cut the population by 50% or more).
Well I am not an old Gunny but I am an old Army SFC(RET) with mastergunner and sniper qual's. Now, Where is this indoor range? LOL

Rew R.E.W. bullets
Dennis - "Do folks need an exit visa to leave the Peoples' Republic of Kalifornia?"

Nope, sorry. It's like they said in "Hotel California", once you're there, you can never leave.
"Nope, sorry. It's like they said in "Hotel California", once you're
there, you can never leave."

Hmmm...looks like I have to take over then...a country/western style Sicily? ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Army, huh? Ok! Deal! I'll even throw in some fresh gravel for the driveway so you'll feel like you're still on active duty. (Oh Lord! Paybacks for that crack will be REALLY ugly!)

Actually, the INdoor range is a small, ten-station range for non-magnum pistols. The backstop probably can handle magnums, but the concussion would vibrate your eyes and other tender body parts! So...

The OUTdoor range (a few miles farther away) has lots of room. Maybe you can show me how an M-1/Garand should be fed and cared for.

Both ranges are about a half-hour from home. If you ever get down Ft. Sam Houston way (San Antonio), let me know ahead of time. I'll stock up (and I do NOT mean MREs! ;) ) and we can swap lies 'till the women's eyes roll back. :D

I like BOTH kinds of music (country & western). My wife and I also like dago red, fresh hot bread, and pasta. I think even my saintly-patient wife has just about reached critical mass with our increasingly Socialist government. So If'n there's mor'n a few thousan a them dam Revenoors n ya need sum hep, jes sing out. My kin an I all shoot fair ta middlin n Gramma's possum stew's good nuff ta eat!

Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy,
Ain't "half-time" 'bout over?

Whoops! What the heck was that!? I guess the thought of country living, Italian food, and many "targets of opportunity" sort of ran away with me there for a minute.

(I gotta lay off them sugar cookies!)

Grinnin' Grump!

PS. If DC decides to take over California, I'll give you 8 to 5 she succeeds!
Yep, half time is just about over. What say we recruit them damned yankees and declare war on the liberals? As long as they can shoot straight and keep their mouths shut, I reckon I can deal with 'em.

As for DC taking over Kalifornia, that's an even money bet!
Okay, the sugar's worn off.

The odds on my chalkboard are now 10 to 1 in favor of DC doing dang near anything she chooses. There are some murmurings about DC being the "Joan of Arc" of the California Citizens for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms"!

Today I spoke with some folks from Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, and Michigan. You are right - they're about as fed up with Feds as we are. I told 'em to "C'mon down! But skip the longjohns and pack more ammo!"

((Well, I'm glad I am in the land of Cotton, Old times here are not forgotten.....))

Borderline Civil Grump
Oh lord, Ft Sam Houston, I have very fond memory's of that place when I was at Ft. Hood, me and my Honda spent a lot of weekend's there. However my wife may object to a return trip. Wow, you would not believe the atention you get in a black berat with a big bike. Are the eyes roling back yet?

Its been awhile since there was a Homestead Act......
Same rules will apply....one section, but ya can't drive on that day....horses and or Conestogas required to stake out your claim ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Yeah, they're starting to fidget.

Best tour I ever had I was NCOIC of the USAF Detachment with a unit of 150 or so ASA types. God, we put the breweries on double shifts.

Hey, I'll get THIS beer, you get the next one, and the first liar doesn't stand a chance! :D

((We'll show them gals how a couple ole timers cure insomnia!))

Ok I got this beer, there was this redhead..... oh darn she says I have to go to bed now (smile, oh boy)
