Ohioans: Should we start a recall for Taft?


New member
Gov Taft is pushing for legislation, titled "Safe Storage Bill", details at www.ofcc.net This bill would make YOU a felon if a minor broke into your house and stole your gun. Time to do more than just write letters against this legislation. It's time to start a recall of Taft. What we wanted and voted for is not what we got. I supported Taft, but now I call for all of us to begin steps to remove him from office. This is out of control, it equates to procecuting a rape victim as a prostitute. Taft is an idiot. 'bout time to clear the ba$tards out, and he should be the first plcae to start.
The first question to ask yourself prior to the start of such an effort is: Has he p---ed off enough people for this to succeed? If you cannot answer this in the affirmative, you don't stand a chance. An example:

In CA the governor has colluded with the attorney general to pass giun laws, negate the will of the people on the illegal immigrant issue, colluded with the president of Mexico, etc. This has p---ed off a vast and widespread segment of Californians. There is more, but I think you get the drift.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
Remember who ran against Taft? Lee Fisher. He's an ambulatory piece of garbage and Taft was the only choice. Yes, Taft is a gutless moron, but so was Voinovich. Considering the alternatives, the feckless Taft is not that big a deal. Write and email. If he gets enough complaints, he'll change his tune. Jellyfish like him always do.