Ohio to try CCW again!!!!!!!


Saw in the paper the other night that a bill has been introduced in the Ohio General Assembly regarding CCW for the fine law-abiding citezens of the Buckeye State. I just want to take this opportunity to encourage any members who live in Ohio to bug the hell out of your state rep. Don't hold back. If you are a LEO let them know, as the LEO organizations have come out against the bill. They need to hear what the individual LEO thinks, not what the talking heads want you to think he thinks.
I agree. The issue of CCW in Ohio needs to be settled by people in the know, not by the slanted views of the press. The media uses gross sensationalism to promote the sale of it's(the media) service. every article I've read in the local paper (Akron Beacon Journal(Urinal?)) has been filled with outright lies,quotes taken out of context and opinions formed by other outright lies. Ed Jerse of D- Euclid uses the old "everybody will have machine guns" line. Taylor secratary of the FOP of Ohio is quoted as saying "The police recieve 40 to 60 hours of training before they can carry a gun"(The State of Ohio requires a min of 5 hours, the actual time in the Ohio Peace Officer's 300 hour training course varies, they train with more weapons than just a handgun, and they train in different tactics than self defense carry, hence the longer hours)and last but not by far the least: Gov Taft is referenced as saying(note the lack of a quote) he opposes CCW in Ohio, unless it has the full backing of all the police organazations in the State. (Taft has been quoted as saying he will sign any reasonable bill presented to him that has passed both House and Senate, and he hopes all the State police organizations fully support it.
Hood is either a genius or an idiot for introducing a Vermont style CCW law. Either a compromise will result, allowing training and licencing or it will be totally rejected. I personally hope for a middle ground. Mandatory training and proficency testing at min cost with the money recieved from the licence and training fees put back into the system. If they look at the Ohio Division of Wildlife and how they use their licence fees, the have a good model to work with.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Good luck. But keep a close eye on them. When the CCW here in Georgia passed we lost the right to carry openly without a license. I don't know if this was an oversight by the legislator proposing the bill or by design.
NC went similar directions. Our gutted CCW (prohibitions for where you "can't" carry are quite broad), also move the penalty of CCW without permit from a Misdemeanor to a Felony.

While I support CCW legislation, we really are setting the stage for legislating a Right into a "privilege", similar to the Driver's License.
Yep. A "Right" becomes a "Privilege" but the feds need us to have driver's licenses - so we can work and they can tax us.

But CCW laws create a list of current gun-owners which the feds can access at their whim (overwhelming any state that refuses) to "protect the children", etc.

Remember the story about the snake, "You knew what I was..." and think about our federal government.
The actual bill can be viewed on-line at http://www.legislature.state.oh.us
Search for Hood as the sponsor, or Bill 23 as the proposal

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited 02-01-99).]

I know what you mean about converting a right into a privilege. Thankfully, in Georgia carrying without a license is still a misdemeanor...the second offense while still on supervision for the first is a felony. A second offense which occurs once all supervision and fines are over is once again a misdemeanor according to my understanding.
The Georgia law is written in such a way that you can be charged at the discretion of the officer almost anywhere outside of your property, business, or vehicle even with the license. Without the license, there are places that carry will result in multiple charges such as a bar.
Duh! Took awhile but the full impact of what you guys are saying finally sunk in. Hopefully the CCW law here in Ohio will pass, and it will contain the right elements of retaining the rights to bear arms, and not be switched over to the priveledge of carring arms. That distinction make clearer what some other State's laws are (Florida for one) where concealed carry is OK, but open carry is not. Somehow it gives me a bit of a cold chill to think that maybe the anti's are behind a "Give them enough rope to hang themselves" idea. I mean a right is something that can't be given or taken away. A priviledge can be revoked at any time.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Good luck in Ohio with the CCW. I think your chances are better than in Illinois. Hopefully Missouri comes online in April...